Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pygmalion Review

Lauren Conn 06/07/2012 Writer’s Workshop Bill Rubenstein Pygmalion Movie Review Based off of Shaw’s 1913 stage comedy, Pygmalion is the story of two mismatched lovers Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle. The story centers on Henry Higgins’ mission to change Eliza Doolittle from a street vendor to a lady. It would be frivolous to comment on the treatment of women, as we are forced to take into account the period in which this play was written. Pygmalion is just another reflection of the objectification of women during those times, a representation on how women can be â€Å"changed† to the whim of man and the society man governs.Nevertheless, my intent is not to apply modern value judgments to non-contemporary fiction. I have dissected the play and made an attempt to understand the context in which it was written and presented. All I came to find was a story about a young woman who lost her identity. Henry Higgins is a wealthy phonetics professor who makes a b et with his friend Col. Pickering that he can transform Eliza Doolittle, an uncouth Cockney flower girl, into a lady in three months. Henry compares her to a â€Å"squashed cabbage leaf†.During her lessons she’s put through ridiculous tasks to perfect her elocution, such as speaking with marbles in her mouth. Higgins seems relentless, an example being when Eliza swallows a marble and he states, â€Å"That’s alright, we have plenty more. † Eliza’s first test comes when she takes tea with Henry’s mother – during which becomes a blunder when Eliza rambles about her father’s drinking and the whereabouts of her deceased aunt’s straw hat. Throughout these odd experiments one has to question why Doolittle proceeds to let Higgins treat her as he does.One can be Freudian and claim that it is her drunkard father, who holds no more regard to her than an inanimate object, in which provides evidence enough to Eliza’s decrepit state of self-worth. By the end of these trials Doolittle becomes a success, a lady – but not without losing the essence of who she is. By becoming a lady, Eliza has thrown herself into a state of limbo. She is no longer a Cockney flower girl, but calling herself a lady would be a lie. Instead, Eliza has been transformed into a shell – a canvas to which Higgins painted the portrait.Shaw makes a vain attempt into transforming Eliza into a self-empowered woman by the end of this. We are expected to believe that at some point, the hapless street vendor surpasses Higgins – the master professor. In a way, this almost seems like Shaw’s justification to Eliza’s harsh treatment. For me personally, I was not swayed. I did not believe in her strength by the end of Pygmalion. To me, Eliza’s self-empowered identity as a new â€Å"phonetics† master is just a mask to hide the lack of identity within.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nineteen Eighty-four and People Essay

Imagine living in a world where politics are everything and all forms of individuality and personal identities are shattered. A world where everybody is stripped of their rights to talk, act, think, or even form their own opinions, simply because they do not agree with the government’s beliefs. These aspects are just a few of the examples of things dictators would have control over in a totalitarianism form of government. Aggressive leaders such as Hitler and Joseph Stalin are examples of such dictators. They used their power for terror and murder, and their motive is simply to maximize their own personal power. George Orwell had witnessed World War II, the fall of Hitler and Stalin’s dictatorships, and the fatal outcomes that have come from these governments. To warn future generations of the harsh effects of totalitarianism governments, he wrote the book Nineteen Eighty-Four. Published in 1946, Nineteen Eighty-Four describes life in a totalitarianism form of government, following the main character, Winston Smith, as he takes risks in discovering how he believes life should truly be. Literary critic Irving Howe states, â€Å"Were it possible, in the world of 1984, to show human character in anything resembling genuine freedom†¦ it would not be the world of 1984† (62). In Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the government uses its power to suppress individuality among the people. To begin, the author shows how the government abolishes individuality through the use of mind control. First of all, the creation of Newspeak restricts the individual from saying things that he/she wishes to say. More specifically, the task of the Party’s philologists is to regulate the vocabulary and language of Oceania to ultimately be able to control the actions and behaviors of the people. Literary critic Stephen Ingle argues, â€Å"The more vocabulary contracts, the more the Party will be able to control behavior† (124). Since the Party has complete control over how the people can talk and what they are allowed to say, they ultimately have the power to control how they act. Through Newspeak, thoughtcrime will become impossible due to the fact that there will be no terms in which to express it. Furthermore, the Party asserts its control over the mind through doublethink. To begin, doublethink is an example of a thought process in which one simultaneously holds two contradictory beliefs while accepting both of them. For example, while in the Ministry of Love, O’Brien uses doublethink to make Winston believe that he can float. Winston says, â€Å"If he thinks he floats off the floor and I simultaneously think I see him do it, then it happens† (Orwell 278). O’Brien cannot float, however through the use of doublethink Winston can say that it does happen. Moreover, the Party also uses thoughtcrime to regulate the people’s thoughts, speech, actions, and feelings towards the government. The Thought Police use psychology and surveillance such as hidden telescreens to discover cases of thoughtcrime and misbehavior. For instance, a telescreen hidden behind a picture on the wall in Winston and Julia’s secret hideout is the reason they are caught in their illegal love affair. Winston describes, â€Å"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: Thoughtcrime IS death† (Orwell 27). Winston is saying that death is definite if one thinks badly about the government or disapproves of the government’s actions. Thus, due to telescreens, people are forced to keep an expression of optimism at all times; because any other emotion will be considered treason (Ingle 127). Consequently, individuality among the people is destroyed through mind control. In addition to mind control, Orwell also illustrates how the government strips the people of their personal identities though their control over reality. To begin, the party uses its power over Oceania’s history to eliminate all records of the past in order to create a future entirely dedicated to politics. Winston states, â€Å"History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it† (Orwell 155). The Party has complete control over the history of Oceania, and they choose to delete any and all traces of the past, such as memories. Additionally, the Party uses their control over memories to minimize individuality in the people of Oceania. More specifically, the Party seeks to control the memory of the people because without memory, they cannot remember the past. They remove all documents and records of the past through their memory holes. It is one’s memories that keep the past existing and that shape their lives (Ingle 123). The Party succeeds in abolishing the past by restricting the memories of the people. Moreover, the government reduces individuality with their perceptions of logic. In Oceania, whatever the Party says is correct is correct. If one does not agree with what the Party says, he/she is considered insane; a flaw in the system. To explain, when Winston is taken to the Ministry of Love, they torture him-physically and emotionally to make him accept the logic of the Party. Powerful party member O’Brien explains to Winston that their logic is correct, regardless of what Winston knows is right. O’Brien implores, â€Å"Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane† (Orwell 207). O’Brien is saying that the government has the ability to alter aspects of their lives that Winston knows are the real thing; however he has no choice but to accept them. He is considered â€Å"insane† because he knows what is right and what is wrong and is hesitant to believe that the Party’s logic is true. Noted critic Stephen Ingle implies, â€Å"Winston conjectures that in the end the Party would declare that two plus two made five and the individual would be required to believe it† (122). In the future, there will be no other types of logic other that what the Party deems to be true. Thus, the government uses its power to control all aspects of reality for the people of Oceania. Equally important to mind control and reality, Orwell also shows how the government’s control over the people’s emotions suppresses their individuality. To begin, the Party extinguishes all forms of pure love among the people. More specifically, if two people wish to get married, they must be approved. If they wish to marry out of love and affection, they will be denied. In the eyes of the Party, marriage must be handled like business-only to produce offspring that will be loyal to them. Winston implores, â€Å"But you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred† (Orwell 105). Every aspect of the people’s lives in Oceania is robotic and systematic, there are no true emotions. Similarly to the Party’s control over love, they also control sex between the people. To explain, the Party believes that there should not be any pleasure from sex; it should only be used in order to reproduce. The people who are faithful to the party transform their sexual energy into political hysteria (Howe 65). All of their energy goes towards the Two Minutes Hate and their hatred for Big Brother in order to bring some form of unity amongst them. Furthermore, the Party also uses emotional torture to abolish individuality. To justify, when Winston is in the Ministry of Love, he endures not only physical torture but psychological torture as well. He says, â€Å"In the end the nagging voices broke him down more completely than the boats and fists of the guards† (Orwell 200). The emotional torture from the questioning Winston undergoes wears him down and makes him into a mouth that simply utters what he believes they want to hear. The questioners transform him into something that is not even human anymore- merely just a robot. Literary expert Stephen Ingle argues that â€Å"the right and capacity to form one’s own judgment on external events†¦a full emotional life, a private world into which one could retire: those were the bastions of identity which Winston Smith sought to defend† (127). Winston is the last individual with knowledge of things outside of what the Party believes to be moral, and eventually he is stripped from that title and made into one of the other brain-washed citizens of Oceania. Consequently, the Party uses emotional torture to suppress individuality among the people. Hence, the government in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four has been proven to use their power to strip the citizens of their individuality. For instance, the Party uses their control to take over the minds of the people and restrict what they can/cannot say or do. Also, they have the power to control all records of the past, memories, and the logic they have placed in their society. If that is not enough, the Party also controls their emotions, regulates sex, and forces emotional torture among them to force their logic into their brains. Orwell is â€Å"trying to present the kind of world in which individuality has become obsolete and personality a crime† (Howe 62). Ultimately, if a society allows a dictatorship in which one person or a group of people have all the power over the citizens, the society will transform into an individualized group of robots.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Coca Cola and Pepsi Essay

Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola has been in the cola wars for centuries now. They had strategies to stay in the business competitively; both companies did their best to stay up by making contracts with celebrities, making banners and posters, TV commercials. Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola has the same core benefit for their products, which is to quench the thirst of their consumers as well as selling a non-alcoholic soft drink. Core benefit is the fundamental need or want that consumers satisfy by consuming the product or service. The Coca Cola products are constantly produced in a red background with Coca Cola writing. Conversely, Pepsi products are packaged with their blue writing. Brand knowledge is important for the health of the company. The Coca Cola brand was worth $79 billion in the year 2013 in comparison to Pepsi Cola brand, which was only $17 million worth. A consumer from a different country can identify a Coca Cola product, even though it’s in a foreign language and they may s till recognize the product immediately. Coca Cola is much more widely available than Pepsi. Coca Cola creates a sort of convenience for consumers for being widely available thus getting the loyalty of the consumers. There is a higher demand for Coca Cola than Pepsi thus restaurants are more favorable towards Coca Cola. For example, McDonalds is providing Coca Cola, but KFC and Hardees provide Pepsi. Pepsi has always had the younger generation in mind. Their advertising and marketing strategies are fixed to target teens aged 14 or even younger with a fun and most often interlaced with music. This is evident over the years as Pepsi had musical celebrities like Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and now Beyonce. Coca Cola also targets diversifying their audience and taking geographical aspects in high consideration as they target the world filled with different cultures. The ingredients of these products also can be differentiated as Pepsi has slightly more sugar, caffeine and calories while Coca Cola has slightly more sodium. Coca Cola is a much fizzier drink due to its high percentage of carbonation in comparison to Pepsi. In Kazakhstani market Coca Cola is preferred more than Pepsi. As it was already mentioned, everyone can find Coca Cola everywhere, even far from populated cities. Also, Coca Cola is open to present the process of its creation.

Intelligence Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intelligence Community - Essay Example Threats such as terrorism are not easy to tackle and it has forced intelligence agencies to invest heavily in new technology as well as create more sophisticated methods of spying on potential adversaries. The rise of al Qaeda and its affiliate organizations has created a situation where it has become essential for the intelligence community to utilize all the resources available to it to ensure that this threat is either neutralized or destroyed. The intelligence community after the Cold War has had to face adversaries who are more numerous than during the Soviet era and this has made it imperative for there to be changes in the way that the various agencies within it operate. For example, during the Soviet era, it was common practice for the various intelligence agencies not to share information with each other; each of them attempting to ensure that what they considered to be their jurisdiction was jealously guarded.1 The rise of the terrorist threat on the United States, especial ly after the 9/11 attacks, changed all that as it led to the realization of the need to be interagency cooperation to prevent such an event from ever taking place again. In recent years, there have developed fusion centers whose main purpose is to ensure that all the information, concerning potential threats, that has been collected by the various agencies is shared in a common database.2 This is a phenomenon which would have been considered strange during the Cold War as each agency in the period attempted to keep all the information that it gathered a closely guarded secret, not to be shared with rival agencies. During the Cold War, the main means of intelligence gathering was either through direct spying, the use of double agents, or through the use of sleeper agents. This form of spying was extremely risky for those individuals involved because it created a situation where, if caught, they were likely to either be killed, or put on display to the embarrassment of their home nati on. The modern form of intelligence gathering, however, aims at preventing such incidents as much as possible and this is based on the fact that there is the use of advanced technology to cover those areas which are highly sensitive. The use of the new forms of intelligence gathering technology has ensured that the need for field agents has become minimal; their being required only during the most crucial of missions. The use of evermore sophisticated intelligence gathering technology has created a situation where it has become much easier to gather intelligence on any target around the globe.3 All the potential threats to the nation are often on the radar of the intelligence agencies, and one way or the other; they are more often than not found out and eliminated. The use of the drone technology has enabled the swift identification, targeting, and elimination of threats to national security anywhere in the world, thus creating more efficiency when protecting the interests of the Un ited States. When compared to the Cold War era, it can be said that the status of the intelligence community has changed for the better since it has seen the development of better cooperation between the various intelligence agencies. There has developed the realization that the cooperation betwe

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Argument Analysis of a Modest Proposal Personal Statement

Argument Analysis of a Modest Proposal - Personal Statement Example First of all, one needs to emphasize the importance of satire as a major genre of the text.   It is not necessary to read other pamphlets of that period in order to understand that Jonathan Swift does nothing, but making fun of similar pamphlets and proposals. It is obvious that Swift does not really want people to sell children as food, but he dares to use such an outrageous concept in order to attract public’s attention and make himself heard. To my point of view, this approach works pretty well. There are grounds to assume that a seriously written pamphlet emphasizing the importance of funding solutions for economic and social crises would never become a subject of such heated discussions. Thus, at least one objective, which is to attract public's attention, was successfully achieved by the author. Second of all, Jonathan uses standard rhetoric approaches in order to be heard. He, thus, apply to ethos, logos, and pathos, in order to persuade people with different beliefs and convictions. As for his appealing to ethos, one can notice how many times Jonathan mentions ‘a very knowing American’ that can be considered an expert of a discussed issue. By doing this, the author makes an attempt to convince those who tend to rely on professional opinion instead of composing its own.   Of course, satiric nature of the pamphlet does not allow us to consider this reference seriously.  One must admit that Swift should be appraised for his mastership in this field.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Generating forecasts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Generating forecasts - Essay Example Since the current and future customers have more money to buy the company’s goods and services, it is possible to predict an increase in the purchase of the stores’ product sales and services revenues. Statistical tools help make more informed store management decisions. In the same manner, the increase in certain independent factors may indicate a possible decline in the dependent factor. For example, an increase in the government’s taxes will reduce the workers’ take home pays or salaries. Consequently, the reduced take home pays will reduce the workers’ purchasing power. Consequently, the decision makers must expect a decline in the stores’ sales and service revenues. With the reduced take home pay, the employees must cut down their avoidable expenses. The table 1 data shows the company can generate the future weeks’ projected revenues (Johnson, 2010). The expected future sales are grounded based on the above multiple independent variables. The dependent variable is the revenues. As dependent variable, the sales output is normally dependent on the many independent variables. The above table shows that the competitors often sell their products at prices that are reasonable. A reasonable price takes into consideration several relevant factors. One of the relevant factors is the demand for the products. A high customers’ demand for the products will encourage the stores to increase their selling prices. However, a low demand for the stores’ products and services persuades the store managers to offer discounted prices. With the discounts, the customers will take advantage of the price reductions. A price reduction will normally trigger a higher demand for the stores’ products and services (Johnson, 2010). The above table 2 shows the summary of the statistical findings’ regression analysis for the ten weeks. The Multiple regression output is shown to be 0.63. The R Squared figure is 0.40. The Adjusted R squared figure is -.0950.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Supercomputing Exaflop Target Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Supercomputing Exaflop Target - Assignment Example Data delivery and correction of errors might reduce the speed of the application despite the superb programming. The GPUs has allows enormous calculations of numbers in parallel as they constitute more cores as compared to the CPUs and current is applied to various data-intensive calculations. The GPUs was originally for tasks that are of graphics such as rendering every pixel in an image. This is because the graphics problem resembles the supercomputing problems (Geller, 16). In the modern world of supercomputing, the GPUs relies on the CPUs for other tasks despite being able to provide the highest calculation power. The speed is not a matter of throwing more cores in the given mix given that it is not easy to avail all the power used in the processing. The data ought to be managed for their proper intake and managing of the outcome. For the data to move appropriately between the CPUs and GPUs and attainment of better performance, the problem has to fit in the GPUs itself. Before th e benefit is attained the speed of the moving data and that of computing are so mismatched and therefore the GPU has to undertake a number of computations (Geller, 16). The Asian researchers are well positioned to the GPUs more parallel supercomputing that is massive. It is believed that economics that favors such innovations may be brought about by China’s isolation from the western influences. This is because of the vendors from the US who holds different perceptions. Whereas the potential bang for the buck is in Asia, if an application works effectively on this kind of accelerator technology, it might turn out to be very cost effective. China’s recent entry into HPC may be of help in this regard. In contrast, it is argued that programmers in more experienced nations may have to undergo re-education (Geller, 16). Historically Hybrid architectures have had an upper hand over the parallelism. They have used less energy than comparable CPU-only systems. The new Top500 l ist showed that the architectural battle over energy efficiency is on. The U.S.’s CPU-based IBM Blue Gene/Q Prototype supercomputer is the most energy-efficient system with the efficiency of 1,680 Mflops/watt. The K Computer consumes enough energy to power nearly 10,000 homes and costs $10 million a year to operate. These costs would significantly increase in an exaflop world. Major changes in the hardware will require major changes in the algorithms and software. Supercomputing is already widely used in fields as diverse as weather modeling, financial predictions, animation, fluid dynamics, and data searches. Each of these fields embodies several applications. While exaflop computers will spawn now-unimagined uses, any current increases in speed as we race toward that goal will greatly benefit many existing applications (Geller, 16).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 49

Case Study Example pain medicine, the appropriate disciplinary action such as repayment is necessary but this does not come without a warning letter that would see stringent measures including summary dismissal in the event of recurrence of the incidence. However, any nurse who misappropriates any medical paraphernalia ought to pay back the full amount, which may be deducted from her salary. Meanwhile, the patient ought to obtain other drugs since they are not responsible for any kind of incompetence by the nursing home staff. In any given health institution, the Department of pulmonary Medicine is undoubtedly one of the busiest departments. Due to the critical nature of this section, the entire physician fraternity needs to be ready to tackle any challenge even at odd times. Since operations in this situation extend to the ICU and ER, any shortage of respiratory therapist deserves critical attention. When investigating this kind of shortage within limited time like 48 hours, the key information that a hospital administrator looks for is what led to the shortage, data regarding the available and required respiratory therapist, and the immediate step that can ease the situation. Since the respiratory therapists perform a significant role both in the ICU and at the ER, this kind of intelligent information will be necessary before the crucial meeting with physicians. Misdiagnosis and maybe the administering of wrong drugs may have severe repercussion to a medical practitioner especially if proven that the any mishap resulted out of sheer negligence or incompetence. As the administrator on weekend call, I would determine whether Dr. White administered the wrong drugs out of incompetence or otherwise. Perhaps my next decision would be informed by the information as to whether Dr. White refused to address the concerns of the RN, May Patterson. If Dr. White, out of sheer arrogance, dismissed May’s concerns, then I would together with other managerial staff at the hospital institute a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Credit Default Swaps and Their Role in the 2008 Global Financial Essay

Credit Default Swaps and Their Role in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis - Essay Example They contributed to the financial crisis, but they were not the sole cause. Banks as well adopted the wrong investment vehicles that increased their potential risks. Further more, the interconnectedness within the financial institutions made the risks to spill over to from one financial institution to the other. Also, the manner in which assets were valued was not effective. It disregarded depreciation and other market forces affecting the prices of assets. Risk management models were not effective in helping to minimize risky lending. Changes in government regulation were also a major factor contributing to the crisis. The complexity of financial instruments and mathematical models for risk management made them ineffective. People had the wrong speculations in regard to the sustainability of high market prices for houses. The prices later dropped leading to enormous losses. Dishonesty was also a major failure in the operations of the credit rating agencies. On the other hand, there were few players in a large market, making their financial status a major determinant of the market strength. The housing policies aimed at facilitating home ownership led to a housing boom in these years. People applied for mortgage that was easily accessible especially due to the low interest rates that had been lowered in order to ensure that the low income borrowers could acquire homes through mortgage. Many people invested in them instead of the original idea of residential houses. Many subprime mortgages were issued with most of them ending up with unqualified borrowers who could not repay. The current financial crisis in the United States began back in 2007. This global financial crisis came several decades after the Great Depression that occurred between 1929 and 1941. Housing policies were put in place in 1937, with the housing act aimed at making houses affordable to the low income earners. This was to be achieved through offering long term loans at

Applied Integrated Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Applied Integrated Business - Essay Example This paper is an attempt to synthesize everything I had learned so far which can be applicable in a world of business that is further made complicated and difficult by various financial crises. In the next few pages, I will elaborate on these further by enumerating the three most important. Discussion I think Professor Michael Porter's Five-Forces Model of competition is the first thing that comes to my mind in terms of importance. His model is applicable to almost all industries anywhere in the world. It has universal applications and any aspiring manager should learn to apply the principles in this model. Doing so will make his job as manager much, much easier. It will allow him to analyze a given industry, formulate the appropriate strategies and then be able to implement this particular chosen strategy to achieve superior results, no matter what. It is a given that the Porter model is extremely useful for industry analysis in order to attain that sustainable superior performance over peer industry competitors. The model further simplifies the whole job of any manager; without it, it is quite difficult to arrive at a good decision due to sometimes too much data to analyze that one can easily get lost of the strategic objective. The second most important thing I learned during the course is the 7 Ps of marketing. ... This model will help to put things in a proper perspective so corrective measures can be undertaken to rescue new products and services from being failures in the market. This model is a step-by-step guide to successful marketing techniques because it analyzes each step to be taken when selling and it helps to remove guesswork by making the analysis much more professional and accurate. The third most important I learned so far in this course is the SWOT analysis model. It may seem simple but it at least has a systematic approach when analyzing the inherent kind of strengths and weaknesses of any business organization. The first two letters are S and W; it pertains to the internal structure of the business firm by looking inward at its core competence or the areas of operations in which it has advantages while at the same recognize weaknesses. This will allow the firm to take corrective measures to remedy these weaknesses. The second two letters which are O and T represent opportuniti es and threats from the environment which are considered as external to the firm. The usefulness of this SWOT model is it is applicable to individual persons as well, such as taking pre-emptive or preventive measures to avoid any possible harm or dangers. The SWOT model for analysis is also useful in other situations like disaster preparedness by government units and other non-profit organizations because it will try to recognize possible dangers and allow for sufficient advance planning to avoid failures. The SWOT model has internal and external components, very much like Porter's Five-forces model, which has three external components and two internal features in the said model. I fully intend to use all my accumulated knowledge from the course in my daily

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Film Marketing Marketing Campaign on the film 300 (2006) written and Essay

Film Marketing Marketing Campaign on the film 300 (2006) written and directed by Zack Snyder - Essay Example The story narrates how Spartan King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fight to the last man against Persian King Xerxes and his army of over one million soldiers, while in Sparta, Queen Gorgo attempts to rally support for her husband. A voice-over narrative by the Spartan soldier Dilios frames the story. Various fantastical creatures display in the electronic three D motion picture waves that attracted the spectators worldwide. The story traces back the historic element when in 480 BC, King Leonidas of Sparta gathers three hundred of his best men to fight the upcoming Persian invasion almost in a suicide mission. Their allies plan to stop King Xerxes' invasion of Greece at the narrow cliffs of the "Hot Gates" Thermopylae. The terrain prevents the Greeks from being overwhelmed by Xerxes' superior numbers. Ephialtes, a deformed Spartan, begs Leonidas to let him fight but is rejected due to his hunchbacked form before the battle starts, which prevents him from lifting his shield high enough for the phalanx. The Spartans and their allies successfully hold off the Persians for two days and nights. During a break in the fighting, Xerxes meets with Leonidas and offers wealth and power in exchange for his surrender. Leonidas declines and battle continues. In his depression, Ephialtes betrays the Greeks by telling the Persians about the existence of a small pass that allows Xerxes to attack them from behind. Learning of the Persian maneuvers, the Greeks realize their position is indefensible, but the Spartans and a few others refuse to retreat. On the third day Xerxes has the Spartans surrounded their remaining allies Thespians already dead. He gives Leonidas one final chance to surrender and kneel to him. After some hesitation, Leonidas finally complies and throws down his arms. This, however, turns out to be a ruse and Leonidas throws his spear at Xerxes, intending to kill. However, he only wounds his face. They killed Spartans to the last man by arrows. The story then shifts about a year later and ends as now-Captain Dilios relates the heroic sacrifice of Leonidas and his Spartan comrades to his troops before the Battle of Plataea. Miller, in the letters page of the original series, admits the inaccuracy, and angrily defends it. He insists that the Spartans were not scholars themselves, and that the offending passage was intended to portray the Spartans as hypocrites. The Spartans, he argued, so maligned the Athenians that any Athenian action was worthy of scorn. Miller states that their hypocrisy is a character flaw, but not unrealistic. 1. Marketing Strategy: Information of the postproduction scripts should be released through press meet and literature reviews. Journalist and magazine houses must have request letters to extend their helping hand on the promotion PRODUCTION PROFILE: A JOINT VENTURE OF SEVERAL TALENTS IN THE HUE OF ART AND SCIENTIF CRAFT Nunnari and Mark Canton jointly produced this film 300, and Michael B. Gordon wrote the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Voice of the Customer Case Study Essay Example for Free

Voice of the Customer Case Study Essay 1. Explain how the Voice of the Employee sup ports improved internal processes (Voice of the Business), and how the Voice of the Business supports customer satisfaction (Voice of the Customer).  As stated by the United States Postal Service annual performance report, The Voice of the Customer goal category focuses Postal Service resources on growth to generate sufficient revenue to support the public service mission of universal service that â€Å"binds the nation together. † Providing timely, consistent delivery across all classes of mail will increase customer satisfaction and generate growth in support of our central mission (2002). The Voice of the Employee goal category focuses on creating a workplace environment that fosters a motivated, productive and inclusive workforce and embraces the values of fairness, opportunity, safety, and security. The Voice of the Business goal category focuses on maintaining the affordability of Postal Service products and services by improving productivity so as to control costs and improve contribution levels to grow business (USPS annual performance report, 2002). For each Voice, a goal statement focuses on the overall performance sought. For Voice of the Customer, the goal is to provide services that meet the needs of different customers in competitive markets and grow the revenue necessary to support the public service mission of the Postal Service. For Voice of the Employee, the goal is for a motivated, productive and inclusive workforce and a goal of affordability for the Voice of the Business. 2. While Figure 8. 14 shows only representative measures associated with the balanced scorecard, suggest some other measures that might be included, using your knowledge of postal operations. Traditionally, performance measures used to assess success were financial in nature. This allowed only one view of what happened. The measure is complete only at the moment, and there are limited indications where current operations are effective or ineffective as the measures are historical in nature. Financial measures are outcome measures that show what has happened in the past. A more forward looking set of performance measures tells managers and employees where they are headed, what aspects of the organization are succeeding, and what aspects need improvement to effect future successful outcomes. For example, customer satisfaction levels tell us something about the future predisposition of customers to use our service in the future, which relates to future financial measures. In the same manner, if we know there is a connection between meeting customer requirements and internal process measures that are tracked, and then there is a clear sense of what we need to do in managing our processes in order to meet customer needs (Thompson Mathys, 2006). 3. Note what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a Balanced Scorecard approach. The first advantage of using the balanced scorecard method is that by looking at four aspects of a companys performance, you really do get a balanced view of company performance. Unlike traditional methods of tracking the financial health of a business, the balanced scorecard gives you a full picture as to whether your company is meeting its objectives. While it may seem that a company is doing well financially, it may be that customer satisfaction is down, employee training is inadequate, or that the processes are outdated (Bowen, 2011). As explained by Bowen (2011), by using a balanced scorecard approach, the immediate future isnt the only thing being evaluated. Often, when an accountant sees the financial bottom line (perhaps the company isnt doing well), suggestions are given that are immediate, but do not look at the long-term. Using balanced scorecards allows for stakeholders to determine the health of short, medium, and long-term objectives at a glance. Finally, by using a balanced scorecard, a company can be sure that any strategic action implemented matches the desired outcomes. Will raising the price of a product help the bottom line of the company in the long run? It might, if the customer is satisfied with that product, or if the processes involved with creating that product make the product of a higher quality (Bowen, 2011). While there are many advantages to using balanced scorecards in your accounting toolbox, there are a few disadvantages to the method as well. First, the balanced scorecard takes forethought. It is not a tool you can just think up one night to solve a problem. Instead, it is recommended that you hold a meeting to plan out what goals you would like to see your company reach in each of the four above areas. Once you have clearly stated objectives, you can then begin to break down these objectives in what you will need, financially, to bring these objectives to fruition. As explained by Bowen (2011), while the balanced scorecard gives you an overall view of the four areas for concern in business growth and development, these four areas do not paint the whole picture. The financial information included on the scorecard is limited. Instead, to be successfully implemented, the balanced scorecard must be part of a bigger strategy for company growth that includes meticulous accounting methods. Many companies use metrics that are not applicable to their own situation. It is vitally important when using balanced scorecards to make the information being tracked applicable to your needs. Otherwise, the metrics will be meaningless.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparison of Marketing Strategies in Banking Industry

Comparison of Marketing Strategies in Banking Industry 1. Introduction There has been progress and advancement in the field of finance and business due to the widespread use of information technology. Banking Industry has proved that it is far ahead due to the implementation of several technologies and most of its industries and businesses are doing exceedingly well because of this. In todays times, when one is interacting with banks and other financial institutions there is a gap in services which is felt by the demanding and upmarket consumer. Due to this banks have had to pull up their socks and turn around their operations by introducing sophisticated means of conducting business. They have hence provided ATMs (automatic teller machines), computer and internet banking, phone banking and banking kiosks are proving to be alternative means to benefit from the banking services in a comfortable and convenient manner. According to scholars Wong (1998) and Kimball Frisch (1997), e-channel, also known as innovative distribution channel or online banking, as per Daniel (1999) or technology-intensive delivery system, says Filotto et al. (1997), is interpreted as the approaches used to deliver financial products using electronic media such as personal computer, the telephone and the Internet, say Dannenberg Kellner (1998). The ATM as a matter of fact is the most commonly used electronic distribution channel that aids the customers of a bank to conduct their banking transactions, which could be deposits, withdrawal or balance enquiry 24-hours a day. All banks in Malaysia provide ATM services coupled with the phone banking option. As the customer service department has been centralized services such as phone banking, account balance enquiry, instruction to issue bankers cheques and giving standing instructions are services which can be executed for all. Though a call will first reach an automated respo nse system, a customer may want to talk directly with a service representative. The phone banking facility is available 24 hours a day. Some examples are Direct Access of Southern Bank, Tele-banking of RHB Bank and Maybank. Phone banking, or also known as remote e-banking, self-service banking, home banking and office banking, is the third type of e-banking. There is internet banking as well which makes use of the Web. This is a comfortable way of finding out the balance in your account, if you need to transfer funds or request for a cheque book, and make the payment of bill, and can be done at home or while you are in office. Within three years, marketing companies believe that the financial services business over half of the customers will use the Internet to make themselves knowledgeable about the new financial services, products and search for more information, if they do need it. This number can even go higher in a short period of time. LIMRAs optimizing Opportunities with Online Consumers (2007) came to the conclusion that around out of 10 online customers, 7 say that they expect to check products, prices, grading and details of the company on the internet. These findings show that there is plenty of opportunity for people to make use of the internet to introduce opportunity within a large number of prospective customers. As the World Wide Web continues to grow, the expectation of the user and his behaviour are also changing. Potential customers now have the skill to develop content online and play a proactive part in creating and sustaining relationships with companies they are able to find online. This dissertation aims at exploring the effectiveness of e-marketing in banking industry and its impact on the industry. 2. Problem Statement In order to increase the customer base, the marketing team of a bank uses content and illustrations in direct mail or ad campaigns to attract and draw customers towards it schemes and products. Of late there has been an increase in tele-callers as well who persistently call and promote the various products available. On the Internet, which is fast-paced in form and function, banner ads and smartly written click-to-pay has become a trap to captivate customers. The other level is keyword buying from Google and other search engine providers, and especially the buying of regional keywords. This one is a fresh technique used to bring the surfer to a website, where he or she will find ways to do business with your bank. The use of technology in the marketing of service industry especially banking industry is not such a new concept. Its been used and have been in use for various countries but it should have a key focus which will be discussed in this research. 3. Research Question What is the effective e-marketing tool(s) used in bank industry marketing? Evaluate the comparison between UK and Indian Banks? 4. Research Objectives The key objectives of the research are: To evaluate the various marketing strategies used by the banking industry. To study the effectiveness of different marketing strategies used. To examine the various e-marketing methods used by the service industry. To study the effective e-marketing tools used by UK Banks. To study the effective e-marketing tools used by Indian Banks. To evaluate the comparative analysis between e-marketing tools used in UK Bank and Indian Banks. 5. Literature Review The Meaning of Marketing Marketing has a two-way definition when it talks comes to discussing corporate activities. Firstly, it is used to adjust its resources on a constant scale so as to satisfy its chosen customers and in doing so to offer social and financial benefits. This is being tagged as marketing concept and stresses on the accountability of senior management to keep an eye on the situation and acclimatize oneself to changing situations. The scholar Levitt (1983), is a promoter of this concept. The other definition is to perceive marketing as a subject of demand management, primarily a technology to affect the behaviour of customer groups. This method is tagged as marketing management and it stresses the accountability of operational management to stage-manage demand in support of the business. It handles the selection of target markets, collection of appropriate offerings and stresses on advertising. According to Anderson (1983), it has many advocates as this been in the thoughts of most marketing theorists to date. Marketing in Banking The UK clearing banks have a branch network which is similar the field sales force of a production company. It is through these branches that customers are able to make use of the services of the bank. The branches work as outlets through which the banks policies are put forth, its relationships with its customers is tackled and the markets are surveyed and intelligence reports are gathered. Hence the branch and its management seem to be pivotal to any marketing exercise and their behaviour towards marketing an essential element in its acceptance. It may be debated that technical transformations like cash dispensers, credit cards and other electronic modernization is taking the customer further and further from his branch and he is becoming a stranger with the staff of the bank. The branch of the bank is the main crossing point with the customer and these very alterations are likely to increase the value of the branch as a stage for business development and cut down on its role as a performer of money transactions.Whether marketing in the short term has improved the situation of a company by the results achieved in their branches, management is likely to introduce marketing. In the initial days when bank marketing was introduced in the UK, there were some doubts about the capability of a conventional line of work to acknowledge what appeared to be a different method to take up. The procedure and the concerns linked with the application of marketing to financial services is hence special interest to students of marketing and ba nking. Indian Banking Scenario In the 1960s marketing in banks began in its most conventional form of publicity and public relations. Even though they functioned within the stipulation that there can be only small changes among individual banks, the marketing environment of a bank has since then changed to a large extent. Today banks are facing strong opposition from the foreign, private and public sector banks, and there is a pressure from other financial institutions. Financial institutions are not only better placed statutorily, they provide higher returns and a handy product-mix which offer tax rebate benefits as well. A far as the supervision of their marketing function is there, these companies are better supervised and administered. While, it is discouraging to observe that the immense boost received by the banking sector thanks to nationalization has not been factored in in productivity and profitability, on the other hand, its cost of carrying business has gone up, its bottom line has dropped and the disp arity between the anticipated and perceived quality of customer service has also become broader. As a result, the banking sector has been under strong criticism by the Government and the public alike. In order to make their business environment more positive, in the last few years, banks have adopted various steps which are initiating creative schemes; organizing processes to reduce paper work and delays; introducing teller systems; competent enhancements in the look and feel of the banks branches; looking up the model, expert and service branches; offering extra boost to their publicity initiatives; creating customer service bodies at the banks offices; carrying out customer relations programmes; establishing customer service departments at the head office of banks; making courtesy weeks/fortnights, customer service campaigns and door-to-door surveys; setting up May I help you? counters and placing public relations officers in large branches. These reactions of the bank show that may be they have woken up to a logical way of marketing their financial services, and to think beyond the narrow course of marketing as publicity and public relations held so close by them. UK Banking Scenario In developed countries, though industrial and consumer goods industries have increased their marketing exercises, service companies and the banking businesses seem to be slow in taking up and enforcing the marketing concept, for case studies in various countries, say Watson (1982), Donnelly Berry (1981), Lewis (1981), Cramer (1968). To the best of the present authors knowledge, there are no researches of bank marketing in developing countries, more so in Turkey. As Turkey becomes more liberalized and industrialized, marketing of bank services becomes crucial to its economic development. Also, data about bank marketing is important for foreign bankers, international monetary agencies, domestic policy makers and overseas businesses which deal with Turkish markets. Technology Marketing in Banks The banking industry would not have been so sophisticated and evolved had technology not been harnessed to its maximum. There have been a number of factors responsible for its progress and evolution. Broad economic trends and social forces, toned down by government policy and controls, become the environment within which progress occurs, and the level of oppositions largely decides the rapidity of amendments. Technology is a way to prevail over obstacle and expenses, but in recent years it has become all-embracing and advocated change. It has also been accountable for the rise in superiority of marketing in the supervision of banks. There are two factors why only providing a gist of a single banking system at the present time would be insufficient to study the influence of technology. The first is that the application of technology is unequal among countries and period of time, and the other is that technology is growing very fast and will continue to do so. There is a time gap before technological developments are implemented and we need to know what decides this gap. The only way to move forward is by way of a historical study, sketching an outline of the parallel progress of technology and banking operations since the 1950s and perhaps into the future. Technology and Marketing It is a well-accepted fact that the value of marketing in dependent on the level of opposition in a certain market. Since 1950s, competition has shot up in all banking markets, and it continues to grow with the existing trend of de-control, which focuses on getting rid of structural barriers between types of institutions and market, while escalating the control for prudential objectives. In this environment and period, the growing worth of marketing departments is not alarming. Even a perfunctory glance at marketing literature reflects that the contribution of bank marketing has undergone a change in this period. Some writers have typified three different stages through which it has progressed the first stage was the one in which marketing was restricted to advertisements that reiterated the banks strong points; the second was one in which the bank was proactive in marketing its new products; and the last stage began when banks tried to find out and match the actual requirements of the customer. In the first stage there was not much that a marketing department could do, however, in the second and third stages marketing had a powerful role to enact in bank management. In the second stage, technology took on an important role in bank marketing, with the design of new products. One mode that was adopted was to put up accounts for depositors, which often had a layering of interest rates as per the size of balance or a rate that altered daily and weekly with money market rates. Others offered some connection between two different accounts, perhaps a current account and an interest-bearing account; when the latter account was operated by a building society or savings bank that had little influence to offer current accounts, transfers between the accounts included two institutions. It was typical of banks in the second marketing stage to get lazy and so slow down the customers from making the most of the power to minimise their current balances day by day; in the third phase they are expected to meet the customers requirements, but it is surprising how few of them have yet to provide sweep accounts so that the current account balance is exactly zero by the end of the day. These features of the new accounts would have been impossible without support from the computer. The third stage is the one in which marketing becomes the superior part in the strategy of the banks, when marketing departments lose their shine as the banks management, at the highest levels especially, must comprise of people who have experience of marketing. It is also a stage in which the method is to fractionalize the retail customer base. Banks which provide payment services can easily beat the rivals on the basis of their computer record of the traits and the financial behaviour of their customers. Technology is hence vital for this stage but it would be wise to remember that technological support for new products and segmentation has been in existence since 1980 in the form of mainframe computers; the only new thing is the addition of new software. 6. Research Methodology Research approach The researcher took on a case study method to get a detailed understanding of how e-marketing Industry. As per Denscombe (2000) when emphasizing on one or few research units with the objective of obtaining detailed information, the best method is to take up the case study approach. As per Yin, when the researcher has almost no control over happenings and when the stress in on a certain event in real life and to answer how or why questions, case study is the preferred method approach. Case selection By using random sampling techniques, the researcher found 4 banks which include 2 from each country i.e. UK and India. One public and one private sector bank was chosen for both the countries. As per scholars Hunt Shelley (2004), a qualitative method makes the researcher grasp and construe the qualitative character of the information. The way forward keeping the qualitative aspect of the study in mind will include an in-depth study and assessment of the existing research and techniques applicable to the specific research problems, involving environmental issues within the marketing mix and policies created by the companies. The purpose is to fully grasp the way the companies create marketing strategies to remain in the competitive market. Data collection Primary data: According to Denscombe (2000), for an in depth knowledge and understanding of the importance of e-marketing strategies in in Bank. The researcher used a face-to-face interview as the most apt method. This would not only enable him to seek information, but also give him an opportunity to seek detailed clarifications on the thoughts. Walshman (1995) had stressed on the advantages of personal interviews as one of the best ways to record the views and aspirations of the interviewee. The researcher faced problems such as limitations on the selective thoughts of one person, inconsistencies due to rigid beliefs of the interviewee, collation of voluminous data, transcription by using this methodology. To gather information from the interviewee, the scholar has suggested to use the semi-structured interview guide as interview questions would differ as cases had very different strategies. According to Walshman (1995) interviews provide the best way to understand the views of the participants regarding the actions and events, which have or are taking place and the views and aspirations of themselves and other participants. In qualitative approach there is the extra benefit of permitting the researcher to go back to the drawing board and assess the understanding provided by the respondent in more detail as compared to other methods. The interviews will be carried among managers of the companies who are accountable for the creation of green marketing strategies. The researcher documented the responses and also simultaneously recorded them to transcribe later. The researcher will be going for 5-10 interviews from each bank. Secondary data collection Secondary data is gathered from different sources such as websites, annual reports, books, journals and articles and case studies. The objective this information gathering is to find out the related data regarding strategies adopted by the Trident Solutions. Pilot study: A pilot study was carried out among interviewees to ensure that the terms used are correct and suitable. As per Denscombe (2000, p 135), interview will be held using the face to face approach in order to aid the interviewer to ask questions which were not in the interview guide depending on the respondents answers. Data analysis The information was studied using content analysis. After the interview got over, information was cut down to recognize the patterns and themes and obtain a clear understanding. As per Ghauri and Gronhaug (2005) information was explored, studied and classified based on the questions in the research questions. If more information was needed or when new questions arose, then another round of data collection would be conducted.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Positive Verbal Communication Analysis

Positive Verbal Communication Analysis What are some things you can do as a customer service professional to project a positive image to the customer? First, think carefully about the words you choose in front of them. Use customer-friendly words. Avoid acronyms and industry-specific language. Youll never impress the customer with how smart you are if you make them feel dumb. Second, consciously choose your tone of voice. You may say the right words and say it in a way that communicates something entirely different. How many husbands have asked their wives, Honey, is there anything wrong? And the wife says, Nothing! And the husband gets in trouble because he believed her! Make sure your tone is professional and pleasant. Is that hard? Yes! At the end of your shift when you have a headache, when youve just been bawled out by an angry customer, when youve just had a run-in with your boss all these situations make it difficult to treat the next person with respect and courtesy; however, thats your job. If you want to keep customers coming back and telling their friends, youve got to treat them right. The third thing you can do to create a positive image is to be aware of your body language. How you are standing or sitting can communicate a loud message. If you have a face-to-face business, you must put some thought into your appearance. You always want to appear clean and neat. Im not talking about how expensive your clothes are or are not, but are they clean? Ironed? Do they fit? All these things speak loudly to the customer. After all, if you dont care enough to present yourself well, the customer wonders if you care enough to do the job well. What element(s) of the do you believe are the most important in a customer service environment? Explain Two way communications involves the sender and the receive who each contribute to the communication process. Part of the process is declining which is the best channel to ensure clear message delivery. What are some strategies to use in order to avoid words or phrases that will negatively affect your relationship with your customer? While we seek to communicate effectively, there are often distorted perceptions of what we view as truth or right. As a result of these colored reality, conflict often result. A continuation of this miscommunication is likely to create a downward spiral of increased tension. You have probably heard the term passive aggressive and did not know what it meant. You are probably familiar with the terms passive and aggressive. These are three communication styles that should be eliminated if you are to communicate effectively with other individuals. Aggressive communication can be described as follows: -Shouting -Using intimidation or threats -Underlying violence -Talking down to people in a disrespectful manner -Being very controlling -Saying rude and hurtful things to people under the guise of being blunt -Name calling -Offensive behavior Do you exhibit any of these signs of aggressive behavior? If so, you probably have found that it has gotten you into quite a few fights, maybe even some physical altercations. You are a walking time bomb who always seems to be able to go off. There is nothing wrong with being assertive in making sure that your needs are met. There is something wrong if you are hurting other people in your quest to do this. People who exhibit aggressive style behavior are usually bullies. They often will resort to talking to people in this manner at stores and places where employees are trained not to talk back. It gives them a false sense of superiority and makes others feel bad. To say that this communication style is ineffective is an understatement. It is toxic. And sooner or later, it will cause negative effects in your life. No matter how much of a bully you are, and how aggressive, there is always someone who is a bit tougher. Continue this type of behavior and be prepared to have very few friends, move around from different jobs all of the time and have problems in your personal life as well as with the criminal justice system. Have problems in your personal life as well as with the criminal justice system. Passive behavior is almost as destructive as aggressive behavior. You never know what a passive person is thinking, but they are usually seething on the inside about something. Because they are so stifled in their emotional range, they will not let anything out for others to see. Somewhere in their lifetime, they were told that it was not okay to display any of their feelings nor have any value to their feelings. They simply allow people to walk all over them. When the passive person has had enough of the conflict, they will just take off. You have heard about passive people before. Surely you know someone who knows someone who has had a father or mother just take off without explanation. Chances are that the conflict they were experiencing was developing for some time. But because they did not know how to address the conflict, it never came out. Until the day that they decided to take off and leave. Passive behavior is destructive in that it does not allow someone to communicate their thoughts and feelings in an effective manner. In fact, it does not allow them to communicate their feelings at all. This is almost as alienating as being aggressive. People who are extremely passive usually have a very low self esteem and simply do not feel that their needs are worth fighting for. Until they get to the point where the conflict builds up and they just escape. In many cases, a person who is very passive may not escape physically from the conflict, but in their own mind. They may appear distant to others. This is because they have found it more comforting to slip into a dream world where the conflict does not exist. Passive Aggressive A person who is passive aggressive has deep rooted anger issues but will not address them. Instead, they will act out in other manners that are destructive. They usually have a problem with being told what to do by authority figures and are generally very negative individuals. Being passive-aggressive is considered as having traits that are reflective of having a personality disorder. A person who has been diagnosed with a personality disorder needs a more than conflict coaching, although this is a step in the right direction. Signs that someone is passive aggressive include: -Harboring resentment and underlying seething; -Communicating through indirect means by using children, messengers or e-mails to get their message to the individual who is causing the conflict; -Negative self image and image of others around him or her; -Angry all of the time but inability to express it appropriately. The person may resort to hurting animals or other pets; -Making snide remarks or giving backhanded compliments to people. Someone who is passive aggressive can use a good dose of therapy to get to the root of his or her negative self image. Their negative self image does not only affect them, but others around them. Normally, someone who is passive aggressive learns this behavior in childhood. Chances are that there is a parent who also suffered with this issue. If you have one of these communication styles, you will want to do something to overcome it and be able to communicate more effectively. What are some of the tips outlined in this chapter for ensuring effective customer interactions? Responsible for ensuring that a meaningful exchange of information takes place. By accepting this responsibility. You can perform your job more efficiently. Generate goodwill and customer loyalty for the organization. Provide service excellence. What is feedback? Your feedback could affect the relationship you have or are building with your customers. The effect may be positive or negative, depending on the content and delivery. Verbal feedback Nonverbal feedback Body language Actions Appearances How can verbal feedback affect customer encounters? Give some examples of nonverbal feedback and explain how they can affect customer interactions? List at least five tips for providing positive feedback. Giving positive feedback is one of the more enjoyable tasks in the workplace. From the most senior to most junior, regular appropriate praise can enhance job satisfaction and boost motivation. Build Trust Contrast Focus on Improvements Use Examples Give Positive Feedback SCENARIOS: You are a customer service professional in a dry cleaners shop. A customer who has been coming for years stops by with a silk shirt that has a stain that, according to him, was not there before the most recent dry cleaning. He is upset because the garment is expensive and was to have been damaged to a class reunion yesterday. As we try to dry our customer clothes as superior as we can do. But we are also human beings all the things we cant do properly. Since he complains about the shirt stain and he spoil the class reunion yesterday, we ask thousand apologies from him, and we try to get that kind of shirt for him. So he may have a good confident about our shop. You are a member service representative in an automobile club that provides maps, trip information, towing and travel service, and a variety of travel-related products. A member has supported by to find out whether she can get a replacement membership card and assistance in planning an upcoming vacation. As u knows our business is giving service to customers. We always try to keep a good relationship with our customer. We happily help our customer difficulties because they are our future without them we cant grow up. Since she is our customer and we want give a replacement membership because if we dont do that now we know we will lose one customer, for us each and every customer is important. So we will be always want keep in touch with customer. You are a counter clerk in a fast-food restaurant. It is lunchtime, and the restaurant is full of patrons. As you are taking an order form a customer, a second customer steps to the front of the line, interrupts the first customer, and demands a replacement sandwich because the one she received is not what she ordered. If he is interrupting it is better to solve his problem first, and for second one can give a nice smile and get an excuse and can talk the first one and can ask for apologies for bringing wrong one, and can tell to him that we will try our best not to repeat this again. So the problem will be solve charm and satisfactorily. As a clerk in a local video rental store, you see many of the same patrons regularly and have a fairly good relationship with many of them. Once of the regular customers has just come in to rent a video but is not sure what he wants. You must determine his needs and properly assist him. Be sure to ask probing, open-ended questions, phrased positively, to help you get the information you need. If he is a regular customer, we can understand his feeling and his taste. So when he come to store we can ask question like, how was the last film that your brought? And can tell you always take this kind of thing so you like this and that. And can give our feeling about that and can tell like that other good one also there. So he will tell his feeling about that and tell again what he wants. CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS Since you dont have a relationship with Sylvia, what will you do to get off to a solid start during your visit? Try to meet her and create a relation with Sylvia. Observe her perfectly. Respect her and her ideas. Watch her expirations carefully, ask about her needs and wants. How should you approach Sylvia verbally and nonverbally? Take with her warmly and sincerely. Try to build a foundation to trust on her mind. What strategies among the ones discussed in this chapter can you use to find out where you and LKM stand in Sylvias mind?

Woodchucks Poem Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"Eliminating the Pest† In the poem â€Å"Woodchucks† by Maxine Kumin, the speaker is in her garden and is annoyed with some woodchucks that are eating and destroying the produce in the garden. The speaker in turn tries to remove the woodchucks by using humane gas to kill them and when that is unsuccessful, she resorts to more violent means. This poem uses the annoying woodchucks to signify the Jewish people during the Holocaust by the Nazi Party.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first stanza of the poem, the speaker clearly identifies that some woodchucks are annoying her. To solve this problem, the speaker uses gas as a way to eliminate the pests quickly and painlessly much like the Nazis tried to eradicate the Jews from their presence. Gassing the woodchucks is an easy way to remove the pests because using gas does not involve looking at the victims as they are put to death. This is also why the Nazis used the gassing methods to kill the Jews. After time this method was not as widely used due to the resilience of the woodchucks and Jews. Thus, this led the killers to use more ruthless techniques.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second stanza and third stanza tell how the woodchucks continue to destroy the garden because the cyanide gas was not successful. The speaker tells about the woodchucks taking over the vegetable patch and beheading the carrots. This drives the speaker crazy, therefore taking the violence to another level. The speaker pulls out a gun and puts the ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Stock Price Valuation and Beta Calculation Essay -- Finance

There are many choices in the market for the investors to generate more money and income with the capital that they able to invest. These tools are categorized into many different types of market such as equity market, bond market, and mortgage market, according to their characteristics. The markets are well-growing and establishing all around world due to the people’s awareness of investment, the globalization, the governments’ policies, and the change of technology. Equity market is one of the well performing markets. The companies raise fund from the public by listing themselves in the stock exchanges. Such objective can be done by distributing the common stock, preferred stock, and convertible securities. The voting rights, priority claim, ownership, and types of compensation are determined by their characteristics. The investors will purchase the stocks based on their requirements and preferences. Two types of market are found in the stock markets, which are the p rimary and secondary market. The primary market enables the companies to gather the funds directly from the investors when the secondary market provides the liquidity to the shares by enabling the investors to trade among themselves. Stock price valuation In Malaysia, the only stock exchange is the Bursa Malaysia. The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI), also known as the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI, is the main stock index. The basket consists of the 30 largest market capitalization companies in Malaysia (The Edge Malaysia, 2009). 70 % of the market capitalization for the local bourse is made up by these 30 companies (The Edge Malaysia, 2009). Its performance will signal the investors about the market condition in Malaysia. Next, Genting Berhad (GENTING, 3182) is ... ...sdate=2012-03- 29&lang= Bloomberg.(n.d.). Genting Bhd. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from Bursa Malaysia. (n.d.). FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from Genting Berhad. (n.d.). Annual report. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from Genting Berhad. (n.d.). Group profile. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from Palm oil traders await price forecasts seen as bullish. The Star Online. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from business Yahoo!.(n.d.), FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (^KLSE). Retrieved April 5, 2012 from 12&g=d

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Economic Changes of the Ju/’Hoansi

The Ju'/hoansi started as a food foraging society, a mode of subsistence involving some combination of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plant foods. During the early days, these people would travel long distances within a restricted territory and make seasonal moves to tap into naturally available food sources. Men and women were both equally important in work as well as necessary for survival. Although the men were usually the hunters and women the gatherers, it was not out of character for both sexes to do both jobs. Women were able to share the food they collected with whomever they wanted.Men on the other hand had different rules and constraints they had to go by in distribution of meat. The sharing was done in units of 25 people rather than just one family, they didn't have to share with everyone but no one went hungry within the unit. One way of preserving large amounts of meat was to make jerky. When hunting and killing an elephant would bring many pounds of meat, it would be stored by drying it out in long strips and could be packed easily as they moved to the next camp. In the 1970's the Ju'/hoansi were taken from their homeland, which caused a social change in their people.Jobs were given and paid for with monies. Men were given more jobs then women, which caused a significant change in the economy. Women were given welfare by the government and were isolated at their homes with nothing to do. Their purpose was diminished and they had too much time on their hands. Disease hit the people causing many deaths and tragedy. The South African Government came bringing liquor and many men fought each other, killing off their own people. The change brought to the Ju'/hoansi was a tragedy, they were not accustomed to this new way of life, nor had they been brought up by this kind of culture to be able to adjust.Some of the people went back to their homeland, never to be the same as the early days of foraging for food. They tried to shift to agriculture whic h called for a different understanding than what they were used to. Pre-planning and organization was needed for agriculture. The people had been hunting and gathering, which they did while traveling without planning. It was a different way of life, although some success came for a few, it was not common. Like many others of their kind, they were edged out of their traditional habitats and the foraging cultures have nearly disappeared.

Comtemparory Business

There atomic number 18 many companies that make products that go heading to head. Coca sess and Pepsi be an mannequin of such fancys. There has been many enjoy test and competitions that Involved the pa kings. This reverie has been going on for over a century. (See appendix 1) The start of this long stand up tonic war began 1 886 when fountain John S. Pentameter developed the original formula for Coke. Then 13 eld by and by Pepsi creator pharmacist Caleb Abraham developed his formula. By this time Coca-Cola was already fulfilling order that be a million gallons per year.Coke hen delay to develop its iconic bottle in 1921, they then secured huge name endorsements deals, expand to Europe and Cuba, Canada and Panama. In the Interim, peeps went bankrupt beca employment of WI In 1923. Pepsi Is fully revived fully In 1931 and begin a campaign to twin coke acantha and forward. Although Pepsi never in reality tops Coke in pop music sales the Pepsi go with is still to a colossaler extent remunerative than Coke due to their variation of the many other products they sell. Coke spends a half a billion to a greater extent than on advertising than Pepsi. (See appendix 2) (Basin, 2013) embodied CulturePerformance with a aim Is the PepsiCo corporate well-behavedization motto. The PepsiCo CEO, Indri K. Onion, states Ethics and growth be connected is a broadly shargond understanding in todays business initiation. just forthwith these words appe atomic number 18d in the PepsiCo Annual declargon rearwards in 1968?just third years subsequently the Pepsi-Cola Company and the Frito-Lay Company merged to form PepsiCo. It is a volition to how long we have treasured the whim that corporate capabilities and corporate character are non plainly Integrated, but Inseparable. (Company T. P. 2013) here(predicate) she Is stating that ethics Is an Intricate recess of PepsiCo gloss and It has en for many, many years. This is forward it has been before it has been set and a standard in the business innovation today. She goes on to communicate about how this ideal has do Pepsi the trailblazer and troikaer in such areas from civil rights to scholarships to recycling. The Pepsi Company believes that its investment in the forthcoming by way of environmental protection, investment back Into the alliance and performance with spirit keeps the caller ahead of the global challenges shaping the industry.Coca Cola Companys President and COO Glen Walter states that Since our maiden odd fountain sales in 1886, we have been a driver of grocery innovation and an investor in local economies. like a shot we course the beverage industry with more than 500 beverage brands including four of the worlds top-five sparkling brands. But while our business opportunities are enormous, our commitment to our consumers and the communities In which we operate Is stock-still greater. According to the website the companys focus is Sustainability and growth.The company strives to occur to be a leader of the soda world. The mission statement reads Our Roadman starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. To refresh the world To create value and make a expiration. (company T. C. , 2013) It bes that the Coca Cola Co does not talk about it ties and comments to the community and the early but Just to the sustainability of the company.The advisements appear to be community based it does not seem to resonate through the corporate culture. The difference of corporate culture seems to be Pepsi seems to corroborate forwardness of the company and community since sasss. Whereas n the other had Coca Cola seems to Just in the recent 20 years or so adopted the community with the development of its Coca Cola Foundation. Benefits of competition The battle between the two great giants has sparked new and innovative ways to go forward above the competition.One example of a bad exchange that take place during the Cola Wars was Coca-Cola deciding to a strategic turn in minion, by publicizing its plans to bring back the original coke recipe after the accession of New Coke. The wars also lead to Pepsi realizing that its grip on the soda world was not as evident ND they decided in 1965 to diversify and acquired ownership of Frito-lay Company. (Basin, 2013) Another benefit of the wars are the introduction in the late sass, Pepsi launched its most profitable long-term strategy of the Cola Wars, called Pepsi Stuff.This was a point system where Pepsi consumers drank Pepsi and received points to procure free Pepsi lifestyle merchandise. After researching the company launched the program and it gained instant success. Millions of patrons take part in the program. This move also made Pepsi highly popular and it outperformed Coke during the spend of the Atlanta Olympics which is in the hometown of Coke. Later in 2005 Coca-Cola and Pepsi started a cyber-war with the re-introduction of Pepsi Stuff in 2005 Coca-Cola strikes back with Coke Rewards.A third benefit is in 1985, Coca-Cola and Pepsi were launched into space aboard the Space hoot Challenger. The companies had invented special cans to test packaging and dispensing systems for use in zero G conditions. The audition was classified a failure by the shuttle crew, primarily due to the insufficiency of both refrigeration and gravity. But this pushed the companies and it lead to the invention of the Coca-Cola fountain dispenser. (Russell, 012) Continue to brandish I speculate that Pepsi will extend to bill there brand threw the sustenance brand versus just focusing on the soda side of things.Coca Cola now is focusing plans to focus on fortify its brand throughout the world and community. The excursion is called Me, We and the world. The company has made the statement that they are committed to grow the business in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable way. (Company T. C. , 2013) These statements are a part of their investment sustainability plan. The soda wars have gone on for centuries and although never company will admit o the ongoing competition, they both are innovators in the world of business and will stay fresh to forge on to success.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Electronic Monitoring In The Workplace: Used in Information Age

With the coming of the Information Age, a problem has developed amidst employers and employees over the usage of electronic observe in the workplace. Electronic supervise is observe employees e-mail, com couching machine files, vocalise mail, telephone expend, as wellspring as the put on of video and audio management, computing machine network monitor, and keystroke monitoring. To employers, the use of electronic monitoring is a in truth good management in either casel to manage employees activities. Employers feel that electronic monitoring offers a shield of corporate shelter, a convey of achieving good proceeding, and is a necessity for international competitiveness.On the another(prenominal) hand, many an(prenominal) workers frown upon this take aim of monitoring. Is eyeing an employees some(prenominal) move, including in the locker rooms and in the restrooms via video camera, demand? Is the risk of causing wellness problems to workers for the sake of o btaining numerical figures even considered? Is place a workers job surgical operation based on production alone an accurate convey of assessing a workers performance? How about the forest of a workers performance, isnt it weighty as well?For the well-nigh part, courts favor the employers on the study of electronic monitoring. According to the Ameri undersurface courteous Liberties Union (1996) laws to protect employees require only when that employees be treated equally. Employers ar, therefore, free to do whatever they call to their employees as long as they do so in a non-discriminatory manner (p. 1). Employees acquire extra disciplines concerning electronic monitoring. Union contracts, for example, whitethorn limit the employers right to monitor. Also, public sector employees may boast some minimal rights under the U. S.Constitution, in ill-tempered the Fourth Amendment which safeguards against unreason open search and seizure (Center for commonplace post Law , 1994, p. 6). The courts seem to weigh the reasonableness of an employees prospect to privacy against the legitimate business interests of the employer. Corporate security is a concern of many employers. Corporate spot and theft batch seriously put a corporation at risk. A business exploited by corporate bloting give reclaim itself at a strong competitive and strategic disadvantage (Cozic, 1994, 64).To employers, monitoring e-mail and electronic computer networks are demand. Computers offer ready points for entry for spies, thieves, disgruntled employees, sociopaths, and worldly teens. Once theyre in a companys network, they can take away trade secrets, destroy selective information, sabotage operations, even deject a particular deal or public life (Behar, 1997, 2). With the possibility of confidential teaching being retrieved via the computer network or a corporate spy in the corporation sending confidential affirmation by e-mail to a competitor, electronic computer network monitoring is one shield that may offer employers some protection.In addition, employee theft is a reality in many businesses that can endeavor up business costs. From the employers point of mountain, video watch monitoring throughout the business facility can help deter a great deal of this theft. Video surveillance would allow a employer to see an employees either move inside the facility. If employees are aware of this lovely of video surveillance, they would be less inc chored to bargain or at least be very precautious about stealing.According to the ACLU (1996) employers own the right to expect an honest twenty-four arcminutess work for a days pay. They have a right to set performance specimens and expect those standards to be met (p. 3). The use of Computer Aided Manufacturing is one means of electronic monitoring that enables employers to opticly see the performance of their employees, their advanced equipment, and their manufacturing processes. The use of CAM allows managers to monitor vital areas of the manufacturing processes for necessary improvements.With this rule of monitoring, managers are able to evaluate whether an employee involve training or whether an employee is fit for the job they were chartered to do. In todays increased planetary competition, employers of U. S. companies are concerned about bottom line profits and what needs to be done to be competitive with companies of other nations. Employers regard the monitoring method of Computer Aided Manufacturing as a necessary tool to compete globally. It enables employers to manufacture more(prenominal) expeditiously by driving costs down and despicable quality levels upward.According to Cozic (1994), if U. S. factories are discouraged from miserable forward with C. A. M. , consequently American workers result be the ultimate losers as domestic factories wont be regenerate even as overseas factories become increasingly efficient (p. 66). With the world becomi ng more of a global economy, employers want to be well positioned to compete. On the flip side of this coin, employees have serious concerns also. By pushing employees to meet higher standards through the use of electronic monitoring, their physical wellness and mental earth can suffers.According to the Center for Public Interest Law (1994) People involved in intensifier word processing and data entry jobs may be subject to keystroke monitoring. This system tells the manager how many keystrokes per hour each employee is performing. It also may inform employees if they are above or below the standard number of keystrokes expected. Consequently, keystroke monitoring is now linked to health problems including stress disabilities and physical problems wish well carpal turn over syndrome(p. 6). This ailment is a result of continual motions of the hands.It is because the gracious body has a certain tolerance for repetitive and continuous motions that employees call up the use of el ectronic monitoring to push higher standards should have limits. Also, as further as mental health is concerned, Maxine, a node service representative who quit her job as a result of a serious stress-related illness, describe her feelings and those of dozens of hotline callers this way Monitoring makes you feel like less than a child, less than a charitable being (Cozic, 1994, 57). When an employee is stressed mentally by monitoring, undesired working conditions may be created.Paced work, reduced labor movement variety, reduced peer social support, reduced supervisory programy support, fear of job loss, routine work activities, and lack of checker over tasks can produce harmful effects to the goal of increasing the efficiency of a given business operation. Many employees also believe the use of electronic monitoring by employers for military rating purposes isnt a occurly accurate account of their performance. A major theme of complaints by monitored workers is that trying to meet numerical figures, over which they have no control and no input, sets up a conflict in the midst of giving quality service and keeping the beat down.Airline reservation agents receive scores on five different statistics per day the number of calls handled, sightly time per call, average time between calls, enervate time, and overall average. Agents are expected to take 150-200 calls per day with a 96 percent success rating. They may be disciplined for any of the following reasons Calls perennial than three and one half minutes, more than 12 minutes per day of unmanned time, or too long between calls. One agent was put on warning for spending a total 23 seconds-over a full eight hour shift between calls (Cozic, 1994, 59).With customers having varying needs, some employees view this as a narrow approach in evaluating how they service customers. Some customers may require more attention than others based on the nature of the customers call. In addition, employees believe t hat by employers putting too such(prenominal) emphasis on them making numerical goals, the quality of their performance can be adversely influenced or overlooked. Employees want things like creativity, initiative, leadership, interpersonal skills, and teammanship to be equally included in the evaluation of their performance.Additionally, employees believe often of the monitoring that goes on by the employers have no relevancy to their job performance. Several large force companies in St. Louis use a system which records the post and length of time employees spend in any part of the building. Workers flash their ID cards through an electronic sensor in each doorway. A computer monitors how long the employees spend in the restroom, the payphone area, the smoking ambush or at a friends work station.Sandra, a woman who makes four trips to the bathroom per day, was told by her supervisor that four trips was excessive and that she obviously had a health check problem and needed to s ee a animate (Cozic, 1994, 57). Employees view the amount of time they spend in the restroom to be a very unavowed moment. Many employees feel that if they are performing their jobs well, then why make going to the restroom an issue to begin with. Employees certainly have a right to privacy when it comes to dealing with problems of a personal nature, as long as they do so on time set aside by their employers and their performance is not affected (Fineran, 1991, 64).Employees think that there should be a line drawn between monitoring a workers performance and monitoring the worker. Employers also want employees to understand their rights to protect their businesses with means best suitable. The suitable means include electronic monitoring which may at times be at odds with employees rights to privacy. Cozic (1994) points out that, Card keys and other authorization measures used by the Department of refutation for security control access to areas containing classified data rely on personal identifying information and, by their very nature, track employee movements (p. 5). Employees would like notification from their employers by written, visual, or audible means, which indicates electronic monitoring, practices. According to Cameron (1991) the prerequisite that employers provide written notification of monitoring systems and visual or aural signals of telephone surveillance will provide urgently needed protections from some of the most serious invasions of privacy (p. 56). Employers realize to run a successful business enterprise takes good employees.They have to be able to recognize good and poorly employees by justly assessing both the employees character and productivity. With the tending of electronic monitoring, employers believe that employees would receive more motion-picture show than they would receive without monitoring. According to Cozic (1994) such data acquire from monitoring may assist the employer in assessing an employees character, pro ductivity, or loyalty (p. 64). Employees, in general, want to do a good job. They want to be evaluated according to balance standards with the use of electronic monitoring as only one measure of consideration.According to Cozic (1994) With electronic monitoring, the supervisor is in the machine watching and counting every minute. This supervisor does not take into account that anyone can have a bad day, a belatedly start, or a difficult afternoon (p. 58). Employers and employees both have valid concerns to the issue of electronic monitoring in the workplace. Care must be taken to avoid infringement on employees rights to privacy and well being while maintaining the employers rights to gain ground from the labor they have hired.Employees must try to understand the security concerns of the employers as well as the employers need to be able to operate their businesses in ways that keep them competitive. On the other hand, employers must seek balanced ways in assessing employees p erformances as well as their benefit to the company by not relying too much on electronic monitoring. Perhaps if both parties will keep the concerns of the other in mind, a golden medium can be found where conditions complaisant to both employees and employers are established.

Monday, July 15, 2019

JetBlue †Start from Scratch

i of JetBlues authorize priorities is its bringforce. Managing this orbit of the troupe is truly demand in smart congeal for them to succeed their goals. compassionate custodytal imagery c oncern is account suit suit subject for how mess be tough in make waterups. It is account satisfactory for deli re each(prenominal)y hatful into the remains, head them coif their utilisation, compensating them for their rams, and puzzle outnt capers that arise. in that location be s redden-spot circumspection procedures of a charit fitkind choices (HR) plane section these ar staffing, cognitive operation hearments, requital and expires, cultivation and development, employee and drudge relations, rubber eraser and health, and gentlemans gentleman mental imagery research. play mangle exercising probability Laws trade faithfulness is a capacious empyrean backrest every told atomic come up 18as of the employer/employee birth exclud e the dialog address obliterate by labor practice of faithfulnessfulness and joint bargaining. study practice of law is governed by thousands of depicted object and enounce statutes, administrative regulations, and discriminative finiss. whatever of the pass a longics embroil in practice law on the wholeow in incarnate talk ground elaboration inconsistency Un concern remuneration Pensions body of engage galosh Workers salary (US judicial Definitions)The hiring practices of JetBlue manifests their shape to the pursual gibe commerce luck laws entitle septenary of the accomplished Rights movement of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits study difference base on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. flake the peer feast birth mo of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who make out intimately pertain work in the concern government from sex- found net discrimination. tierce is the get aroundride un c arness in physical exertion def supplant (ADEA) proscribed employers from discriminate against respective(prenominal)s who were 40 to 65 eld old.As the make-up progresses, it atomic number 50 be unyielding how these laws wedge the hiring practices of JetBlue. en bourneent recruitment is the surgical dish out of collecting single(a)s on a by the authority basis, in fitting number, and with steal booking, to sacrifice for gambols with an placement. (Mondy, 2008, p. 126) roughwhat(prenominal) the d decl be the stairstaking rendering and the profession precondition atomic number 18 utilitarian tools for the staffing process, mortal or nigh point deep down the system of rules unremarkably cogitates a pick up to consume a bleak employee.In salient ecesiss, an employee requisition moldinessiness be submitted to the HR section that specifies the melodic stock title, the incision, and the mesh the employee is take a chargeed. From that point, the excogitate verbal description shadow be reference for peculiar(prenominal) avocation associated qualifications to express to a immenseer extent gunpoint when publicize the persuasion nigh(prenominal) intern bothy, foreignly, or virtu totallyy(prenominal) the HR department should non and retract restricted appli piece of tailts by dint of occupation postings or a nonher(prenominal) names of advertising, and it in accompaniment assists in selecting panoramas resumes and obstetrical delivery those with the tight-laced qualifications in for an query.The lowest exam decision in choosing the fuckingdidate go forth belike be the railroad railroad line omnibuss, presume all liveize commerce luck complaint (EEOC) pick upments ar met. opposite chronic staffing responsibilities con none cookery for cutting or ever-changing built in beds and evaluating menses work of goods and ser depravitys analyses and argumentation descriptions to hold back that they accurately ring the verit up to(p) position. in per period of playctory recruitment kind- pick plan is the prime(prenominal) stair in rough-and-ready adult male- imagingfulnessfulness focusing as it involves prognosticate the mankind race-imagination of necessity of the organization and variationulation sure us fit and master(prenominal) steps that the organization essential capture in secern to consider those charit adequate to(p)e resource need prof practicey that exit tote up a richly plowsh atomic number 18 for its boilers suit succeeder as sympathetic-resource prep bedness should be connected to the organizations strategical intents and mission. (Butensky and Harari, 1983)Anne Rhoades, executive lookor crime chairman for mess of JetBlue, bringed her band of the orientation program by describing the trio things that she believed all employees had to do if they were to be booming with JetBlue 1. They had to show up and be work 2. They had to be safe, which think aboutt no alcoholic beverageic drink or drugs 3. They had to be node-oriented. Anne Rhoades, as rise received a customized kind-hearted resource wariness get on that comfort adequate to(p) caprioles pass and social welf be packages to decided need of polar employee groups, besides was deliberated to secure boilersuit blondness in treatment. close to employee groups were touch closely original patch upment condemnation several(prenominal) some others discerning active(predicate) retirement. Employees pass on non perk up the aforesaid(prenominal) package. In Rhoades view, naturalized HR departments a great divvy up do what makes their lives easier, non what the employees inescapably fate. The objective at JetBlue was to erect customized be and expediency packages that met or exceeded the exertion standard. on that point atomic number 18 no provisional sequence periods beca drug abus e improvements started from day maven, which Rhoades arrange probationary period associated with totals because it is real humiliating for the employees. Benefits for full date employees allow health check hits and ainisedized winnerion take comparatively than the conventional holi long season with recapitulate open for those who worked on the holi historic period. These customized physical exercise packages gave JetBlue the sufficient to de plumbe and maintenance nice employees and became JetBlue natural recruitment. prosperous employee would recognise others in the assiduity.An role model of the open fire be seen in the inborn recruitment of vaporizes, because JetBlue cover the monetary valuate of the seven weeks of archetype readying for qualification on the A320 airbus at a hail of or so $30,000, by intelligence ser transgression of babble this travelled to other original in the industriousness, and on that point would curb of the posit ion at JetBlue (Gittle & ORielly 2001) international recruitment In the low David Neeleman, the part of JetBlue, recruited his counseling police squad from the veterans of the pains who were flavor for a get hold to start from get-go and do it in force(p).His picture of conquest in the industry and the curb he had, fitted Neeleman to recruit some of the industrys top commission talent, videlicet Ann Rhoades, JetBlue executive vice prexy of human resources. yet intimately of their job va kittycies argon modify by recruiting state from foreign the keep gild or those workers from other planetary house or organization, population who bemuse never worked before, or plurality who ar unemployed. The arriere pensee agents were recruited from ads in the salinity Lake urban center newspaper publisher. From the ad in the sodium chloride Lake urban center Newspaper JetBlue has a clip lag hear of 2,500 elicit appli ar app argonnt movementns.In stat e to commit capability employees outdoor(a) the party, the customized role packages staff eat upice excerpt In an call into question with a shop artist, he was asked to calculate of a metre that remuneratefulness was an reappearance in his preceding(prenominal) meshing, he f beed as a minor(postnominal) mechanic that he got a plum job at major airway, he was pressured to corroborate an air chicanery for an international flight of steps, even though it was non in send off compliance. He hence declined to sign-off on the planer and the flight was delayed, which ca utilise annoying to the attention.The mechanic was subsequently let go and that reflects the irritation of his superiors, besides he was engage by JetBlue nonwithstanding of the story, because he was able to dig up that he manifested the date value of integrity. At some other interview scenario, wherein a pilot program was asked to talked about a time he or she had a customer orison w hich is in battle with the policies of the keep party and what actions he/she had taken, precisely with an answer that reflects arrogance, the possible hiring of the pilot was refused, in the main because JetBlue is not scarce looking for skills exactly a great vision for suit and attitude. surgical process judgment some other function of the human resource shell outment comes in when a skilful employee is brought into an organization and it is creating an environs that depart touch off and quit admirably operation. unmatchable way to try process is with a conventional chamberpotvas on a semimonthly basis, in the main annually, cognise as a proceeding judgement or exercise valuation. ancestry managers be unremarkably the ones who acquire the ideas because line managers argon in occasional af uncontaminating with the employees and sack up best metre carrying into action. opposite evaluators of the employees surgical operation restrict u p include subordinates, peers, group, and self, or a cabal of one or to a greater extent (Mondy and Noe, 2008 p. 250). To persuade employees doing, they should be cognizant of how and wherefore the comp either exists and to crawl in the molds aspirations. The employees should show-up and be originative, they had to be safe, heart and soul they should not be under the solve of uncomplete alcohol nor drugs and they should to a fault be customer-related and as the comp whatever grow, they should realise to a greater extent formal facts of lifes and instruction processes for the employees.Employee attitudes argon the final factor that watch outs productiveness and whitethorn healthy make believe the strongest act on the productiveness of the organization. Because employees argon the convey by which the organizations goals ar attained, they yield a comp some(prenominal)s triumph or disappointment. Employees abilities and pauperism argon as Coperni hobo as th eir educational directs. To some degree, workers dexterity is too motley by their political, social, ad hominemized, and spiritual beliefs, factors which feces be deepened each positively or negatively by circumspection practices and policies.360-Degree Feedback. Methods of work judgement that involves evaluation input signal from aggregate levels at heart the squiffy as well as outer sources. eightfold raters makes the process more than licitly defensible. (Mondy, 2008, p. 253) touching out-of-door from traditional feedback system where only a atomic number 53 manager or executive program evaluates an item-by-item based on their boilers suit spatial relation of murder, and alternatively seeks input on peculiar(prenominal) competencies from some(prenominal) nation who pick up a on the job(p) blood with the various(prenominal) world appraiseed JetBlue makes use of the 360-degree feedback evaluation as a performance appraisal come out.This meth od suffers objective, all-around(prenominal) views, verbalized by a number of colleagues, Increases involvement of good deal at all levels of the organization, direct reports and peers, quite a than managers/ supervisors ar punter to judge some skills, such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as leadership, increases arrest of the behaviors demand to mitigate both individual and organisational strongness, individuals basis better manage their own performance and doers, evaluators be able to respond confidentially and anonymously, feedback gage return organisational value, bearing the comp any to signalise inescapably and set goals for organisational development and intimate training. JetBlue cosmos light- fond to conversation inside the firm, adopts the 360-degree feedback evaluation, the precaution operates having one-on-one conversations at to the lowest degree once a nates in their 20 locations. The supervisor is considered to be an key chemical bro ker of communicating with the front-line, from this view, JetBlue form the tiger Teams which would bulge out communion to solve problems that a raised(a) in any airfield of the play along. They referred their employees as clustering piece and the supervisors as coaches be sensitive to the place of language.JetBlue is able to meld its heap as a team, wherein everyone communicates and participates to solve a problem, preferably of blaming psyche and not doing anything at all, from this point, JetBlue willing be able to assess which employees atomic number 18 proactive and receptive when it comes to problem solving, they permit prize the employees adroitness in order to de marchesine who deserves appraisal on their work performance. financial honorarium monetary compensation for employees can be fit(p) by having last context to the quest factors productivity associated with employee performance, employees flexibleness in responding to gilds home(a) and ext ernal changes, and the level of their organizational competencies and on their perceive value at a accompaniment accustomed time. These trine factors can be hard-hitting use in the performance appraisal as these set the criteria in evaluating the employees. recompense can be a catch-22 because an employees performance can be infixed by compensation and benefits, and vice versa.In the type circumstances, employees ascertain they ar redress what they are worth, are rewarded with sufficient benefits, and bear some congenital satisfaction. allowance should be wake little and ethical, adequate, motivating, fair and equitable, cost-effective, and able to naming practice protection (Mondy, 2008, p 314). discretionary Employee Benefits The law take ons some benefits, entirely organizations voluntarily provide legion(predicate) other benefits such as indemnifying pass on that point are no U. S. laws that require employers to entreat spend pay. Whether an employer straits spend time off with or without pay is rigorously instinctive for employers, exclusively many a(prenominal) render it as a benefit to attract and keep employees.If employers do expand pass pay, the terms regarding an employees rights to it is governed by the individual employers policies or work contracts. virtually states squander laws requiring an employer to offer any accumulated spend pay when fight ends. However, failure to preserve an employers guidelines regarding breathing out of employment, such as giving notice, may recall the employees right to accrue holiday pay. (us licit definition) low-spirited hire and in-person geezerhood toot abandon and personal days are a form of employment benefit in the form of give time off for disorder or to deal with a personal/ occult matter. Since almost everyone at times take such time off, all dutyes should prepare a clear insurance found regarding nauseated get around and personal days.A upch uck day is sanely self-explanatory and can be used for everything from a cat valium nipping to a more terrible unhealthiness that could require hospitalization insurance or even surgery. individualised days can cover things like the unsoundness of a child, a termination in the family, venire duty, soldiery obligations, or ghostly holidays. some companies as well as allow vacation time for employees in addition to their set do of stern kick in and personal days. (US judicial definition) education assistance educational tending is employment benefit in form of reimbursement of educational courses tuition and/or books that are complete with a clique of C or above. (Mondy, 2008, p 326)JetBlue discretional Benefits. JetBlue offers diametrical compensations along with it are the benefits which include health check coverage, holiday pays, pay for pointless working hours without any limit point from any attach to probations. For JetBlue to craft an esprit de corp s that was fun for caboodle members and customers. This path sojourning cogitate on hatful and charge the company union free. Anne Rhoades agreed, play up that a team purlieu depends on not having big distinctions in the midst of the line and worry and work rules. The most master(prenominal) element in managing the companys human resource is caring. JetBlue lacks to care about their pile from end to end. It is real and not just pretending. It does not smashed thither need to stay forever, and it does not mean to give equal training to all.The work force is the organizations superlative assets without them, terrene trading functions such as managing change flow, devising melodic phrase transactions, communicating with all forms of media, and relations with customers could not be completed. The employees and the say-so they occupy drive an organization. Todays organizations are ever changing. organisational change impacts not only the business just too its employees. In order to increase organizational efficiency, human potence individuals capabilities, time, and talents must be managed. Human resource watchfulness deeds to ensure that employees are able to suitable the organizations goals. JetBlue makes use of a very ridiculous way of managing their human resource. They are so go-as-you-please and exceptional in hiring and compensating employees.It is manifest enough to conclude that their human resource management is therefore effective and efficient because within less than 10 years of existing in the airline industry, they were able to make a name, because of their success and they are able to have uphold evolution along the years all because of having a productive purlieu for their well-motivated employees. It is as well as all the way homely that JetBlue is socially answerable when it comes to hiring people, because they are able to provide equal employment opportunities for assorted groups of employees, ran ging from those who want piddling term to long term employment, from students, to graduates and to those who are working home-based who may want to have pointless income for their households, JetBlue offers refined compensations and benefits.