Tuesday, November 26, 2019

8 Reasons Why People Drink Soda Essays

8 Reasons Why People Drink Soda Essays 8 Reasons Why People Drink Soda Paper 8 Reasons Why People Drink Soda Paper Essay Topic: The Bean Eaters 8 Reasons Why People Drink Soda 16 Reasons To Give Up Soda Drinking [pic] Most of us drink soda. Some drink more than others. And probably many regular soda drinkers are aware that soft drinks are bad for the health. At the same time, United States ranks first among countries in soft drink consumption. I think we need to know more about this drink that we love so much. And so here are 8 reasons why we drink soda: 1Its Very Tasty! The taste could be one thing that gets us addicted to drinking soda, it is delicious. In fact, it is so good, that many people drink it with every meal! Its Everywhere! [pic] Even if you wanted to drink something else, you would be hard-pressed to find it as prominently displayed in vending machines, at fast-food chains, and supermarket checkouts. You might not realize how ubiquitous Coke, Pepsi, and the like are in our society until you try to stop drinking soda. 3Convenience, Grab-n-Go! The most addictive thing about soda is the co nvenience. If you want something quick or are in a hurry, it is so easy to grab and convenient to drink. 4Promotion and Advertising [pic] Soft drinks are heavily consumed in part because companies promote them vigorously Billions of dollars are spend on advertising sodas and market them everywhere in stores, restaurants, gas stations, museums, and even schools. 5Soda Habit For some people, drinking several sodas a day is a force of habit. You know drinking soda is a habit when you find yourself going to the grocery store at 10 p. m. because your refrigerator is tapped out. 6It Is Cheap Soda may be pretty inexpensive when compared with fruit juice and milk. With combo meals, a large soda is only an extra dollar, and you get fries! Thirst Often people drink soda to quench the thirst. However, this is probably the worst time to drink soda, because when you are very thirsty or dehydrated you have low levels of saliva. And saliva helps to neutralize acids (soda is the most acidic beverage you can buy) and wash your teeth clean. 8Caffeine Addiction Many soft drinks contain caffeine and caffeine is mildly addictive. This f act is part of the reason soda is such a hard habit to break. If youre addicted to the caffeine in soda, youre really having two habits the soda habit and the caffeine habit. 6 Reasons To Stop Drinking Soda These were reasons why we drink soda and here are 16 powerful reasons to give up soda drinking. Do you know the extent to which drinking carbonated, caffeinated, sugared, or artificially sweetened beverages harms your body? Giving up soft drinks can be one of the best things you can do to improve your health. 1Soda Is Useless. First of all, there are no nutritionally beneficial components in soft drinks. Soft drinks mostly consist of filtered water and refined sugars. Yet the average American drinks about  57 gallons of soft drinks  each year. Weight Gain Obesity [pic] Many people either forget or dont realize how many extra calories they consume in what they drink. Drinking a single 330 ml can a day of sugary drinks translates to more than 1lb of weight gain every month. S everal scientific studies have provided experimental evidence that soft drinks are directly related to weight gain. The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers2  calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1. 6 times. According to the results of high quality study3  reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages helped reduce body mass index in the heaviest teenagers. 3Diabetes [pic] This is a consequence of #2. Anything that promotes weight gain increases the risk of diabetes. Drinking soda not only contributes to making people fat, but it also stresses the bodys ability to process sugar5. Some scientists now suspect that the sweet stuff may help explain why the number of Americans with type 2 diabetes has tripled from 6. 6 million in 1980 to 20. million today. Rapidly absorbed carbohydrates like high fructose corn syrup put more strain on insulin-producing cells than other foods. When sugar enters the bloodstream quickly, the pancreas has to secrete large amounts of insulin for the body to process it. Some scientists believe that the unceasing demands that a soda habit places on the pancreas may ultimately leave it unable to keep up with the bodys need for insulin. Also, insulin itself beco mes less effective at processing sugar; both conditions contribute to the risk of developing diabetes. Interestingly, women who consumed a lot of fruit juicewhich is high in natural fructosewere not at increased risk of diabetes, leading researchers to speculate that naturally occurring sugars may have different metabolic effects than added sugars. They also speculate that vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals in fruit juices may have a protective effect against weight gain and diabetes, counterbalancing the adverse effects of sugar. Researchers from Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School4  analyzed data from the Nurses Health Study II, a trial tracking the health of more than 51,000 women. None of the participants had diabetes at the onset of the study in 1991. Over the following 8 years, 741 women were diagnosed with the disease. Researchers found that women who drank one or more sugary drinks a day gained more weight and were 83% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who imbibed less than once a month. 4Weakened Bones And Risk Of Osteoporosis Frequent consumption of soft drinks may also increase the risk of osteoporosis,6  especially in people who drink soft drinks instead of calcium-rich milk7. High soda consumption (particularly cola15) in children poses a significant risk factor for impaired calcification of growing bones. In the 1950s, children drank 3 cups of milk for every 1 cup of sugary drinks. Today that ratio is reversed: 3 cups of sugary drinks for every cup of milk. Tellingly, osteoporosis is a major health threat for 44 million Americans. Most experts now say that the real culprit is sodas displacement of milk in the diet, though some scientists believe that the acidity of colas may be weakening bones by promoting the loss of calcium. Dental Caries And Erosion Soda eats up and dissolves the tooth enamel8. Researches9  say that soft drinks are responsible for doubling or tripling the incidence of tooth decay. The acidity can dissolve the mineral content of the enamel, making the teeth weaker, more sensitive, and more susceptible to decay. Sodas acidity makes it even worse for teeth than the solid sugar found in candy. Dental experts continue to urge that people drink less soda pop, especially between meals, to prevent tooth decay and dental erosion. 6Kidney Damage People who down sugary drinks dont feel as full as those who consume the same amount of calories in solid food. This theory was born out by researchers at Purdue University who, in 2000, gave 15 volunteers 450 calories a day of either soda or jelly beans for a month and then switched them for the next month, while monitoring their total calories. The candy eaters compensated for the extra calories by eating less food and maintained their weight; during the soda phase, the volunteers ate more and gained (MSN Health) There is good evidence that cola beverages can increase the risk of kidney problems, more so than non-cola sodas. Researches clearly demonstrated that large quantities of cola result in enhanced kidney stone formation16-17. If youre wondering exactly how soft drinks cause kidney stones, its because of their acidity and radical mineral imbalances. Your body must buffer the acidity of soft drinks with calcium from your own bones. As this calcium is eliminated through your urine, it slowly forms kidney stones. In a study published in the journal Epidemiology14, the team compared the dietary habits of 465 people with chronic kidney disease and 467 healthy people. After controlling for various factors, the team found that drinking two or more colas a day (whether artificially sweetened or regular) was linked to a twofold risk of chronic kidney disease. 7Increased Blood Pressure Experts have reasons to believe that overconsumption of fructose, particularly in the form of soft drinks, leads to an increase in blood pressure22. 8Likely To Cause Heartburn Soft drink consumption is a strong predictor of heartburn20-21. 9Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factor Soft drink consumption is a significant risk factor for developing of metabolic syndrome18, a combination of the symptoms such as high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance. 10Harmful Effects On Liver There is evidence that consumption of too many soft drinks puts you under increased risk for liver cirrhosis similar to what chronic alcoholics have19. 11Impaired Digestive System Soda, no matter who makes it, is the most acidic beverage you can buy, with a pH of about 2. 51, about the same as vinegar, but the sugar content disguises the acidity. To put that into perspective, consider that battery acid has a pH of 1 and pure water has a pH level of 7. Interesting fact:  A pH below 4 or above 10 will kill most fish and very few animals can tolerate waters with a pH below 3 or above 11. Why does that matter? Throughout the digestive system, that starts from the mouth and ends up at the anus only the stomach can resist an acidic environment up to pH 2. 0. But before the acidity of soft drink reaches the stomach it passes through all the other organs involved in the digestive system thus causing an abnormal acidic environment. The linings of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus are highly sensitive to acids. The phosphoric acid present in soft drink competes with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and affects its functions. When the stomach becomes ineffective, food remains undigested causing indigestion, gassiness or bloating (swelling of stomach). 12Dehydration Another problem with sodas is that they act as dehydrating diuretics. Both caffeine and sugar cause dehydration. Caffeine is a diuretic and causes an increase in urine volume. High concentration of sugar is drawing off water because your kidneys try to expel the excess sugar out of the blood. When you drink a caffeinated soda to quench your thirst, you will actually become thirstier. 13High Caffeine Content Another advantage of avoiding sodas is that you will avoid the unnecessary caffeine. Soda drinks are a major source of caffeine in the American diet. High doses of caffeine can cause irritability, restlessness, tension, insomnia, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disturbance, excessive urination, irregular heartbeat and other side effects. 14Toxins Aspartame If you think diet soda is better think again. The poison in diet soda is an artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. It is used because its about 200 times sweeter than table sugar. Despite US FDA approval as a safe food additive, aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances added to foods. After you drink an aspartame-sweetened product, aspartame breaks down into its starting components: phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol (that further converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, which are known carcinogens. . There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption10-13. 15Possible Cell Damage Ability A new health scare erupted over soft drinks recently amid evidence that they may cause serious cell damage. Research  from a British university suggests a common preservative E211, known as sodium benzoate, found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA. Sodium benzoate occurs in small amounts naturally in berries, but is used in large quantities to prevent mould in soft drinks. 6There Are So Many Healthy Alternatives! [pic] Soda replaces healthier drinks. By drinking soda, you cut the intake of fresh juices, milk, and even water and deprive yourself from essential vitamins and minerals. Water. Water is the best drink in the world. Tea. Any kind of tea herbal, green or black is rich in antioxidants, which were shown to protects the body form many health problems. 100% Juice. Fruit juice can be also useful for flavoring your water and teas.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

An Exercise in Identifying Paragraph Breaks in Essays

An Exercise in Identifying Paragraph Breaks in Essays This exercise will give you practice in paragraphingorganizing sentences into unified paragraphs in a coherent essay. InstructionsWhen originally published in 1913, this humorous essay by Homer Croy was divided into 17 paragraphs. The essay has been reprinted here without any line spaces or indentations.Either on your own or in a group, decide where the paragraph breaks should be, and be prepared to explain why. When youre done, compare your version of the essay with the original version of Bathing in a Borrowed Suit. Keep in mind that many arrangements are possible and that your version of the essay may have more than or fewer than 17 paragraphs.   Bathing in a Borrowed Suit by Homer Croy (1883-1965) The desire to be seen on the beach in a borrowed bathing suit is not so strong in me as it once was. An acquaintance, under the guise of friendship, lured me out to his beach one day, saying that he had full rights to the most popular ocean in the world. I had heard his ocean spoken highly of, and I accepted. Unfortunately I forgot to take my bathing suit, but he said that that was nothingthat he had one that would fit me as the paper on the wall. As I recall it those were his exact words. At last he found it in the basement, where it seems that the mice, to get the salt, had helped themselves rather liberally to its none too strong fabric. From the holes in the suit it was easy to see that the party had been a merry one and had not broken up till a late hour. The suit had never been planned for a person of my general architecture. Roughly speaking, I am fashioned along the lines of the Woolworth Building, with a slight balcony effect about the thirty-third floor. The suit had been i ntended for a smallish person given to bathing principally by himself. It was, in its present state, mostly a collection of holes rather insecurely held together with yarn. The waist would have been tight on a doll, while the trunks looked like a pair of pulse-warmers. I tried to find a place to get into the suit, but it stuck together like a wet paper bag. At last I got part way in only to find that my arms were sticking through where a couple of mice had polished off a meal. Finally I felt that I had the suit on and looked in the mirror. I drew back in startled surprise. There were two foreign marks on my body. One I recognized after a moment as being where my collar button had rubbed, but the other was larger. It was a dark splotch as if I had run into the bureau. But, on looking more closely, I saw that it was the bathing suit. Even under the most favorable circumstances, when attired in a bathing suit, I dont live long in the memory of strangers. Rarely ever is my photograph taken by a shore photographer and put up in his exhibition case, and prac tically never does a cluster of people gather around me, talking excitedly with bursts of involuntary applause. My friends were waiting on the lawn for me to join them. Taking a firm grip on my courage I walked out into the yard. The ladies were gaily chatting and smiling until they saw me, when suddenly they closed the conversation and turned to gaze far out over the blue horizon to a dim, distant sail. The ocean looked only a couple of blocks away, but we seemed to walk miles. I was the cynosure of all eyes. I had never been a cynosure before, and in fact didnt know that I had any talent in that line, but now, as a cynosure, I was a great success. When some rude boys came up and began to make personal remarks in the tone that such remarks are usually made in, I abandoned the rest of the party and hurried for the water. I plunged in, but I plunged too hard. My suit had got past the plunging stage. When I came up there was little on me besides the sea foam and a spirit of jollity. The latter was feigned. Something told me to keep to the deep. My friends called me and insisted that I come asho re to play in the sand with them, but I answered that I loved the ocean too well and wanted its sheltering arms around me. I had to have something around me. I must get back to the house and into my clothes. I worked down the beach until I was out of sight, and made a break for the solace of the basement from whence the suit had come. Many people were out walking but I did not join any of them, and as they stared at me, I began to walk faster and faster. Soon I was running. A large dog that I had never seen before rushed at me. I turned around and gave him one lowering look, but he evidently did not catch it, for he came straight on. I looked around for a rock to use for something that I had in mind, but somebody had removed all the desirable ones. So I turned my back to the ill-bred creature and started on. However, this did not cut him the way I had hoped. Instead, he came on with renewed interest. I did not want him to follow me, but this seemed to be his intention, although he had received no encouragement on my part. I sped up and tried to lose him, but my efforts were fruitless, and to make it mor e unpleasant he kept up a loud, discordant barking which jarred on my sensitive ear. I gained the yard and plunged against the door of the house, but some thoughtful person had closed it. I ran around to the rear, but the person had done his work well. So I ran back with some vague hope that the door would be open, although I knew quite well it wouldnt be. My surmises were right. Back the dog and I ran together, while curious passers-by began to stare. I soon found myself almost out of breath, but the dog seemed to be quite fresh. However, I ran back again. At last I came upon a basement door that was open, dived in and shut the door after me. I took particular pains to do that. I continued to remain in the basement. Although the time hung heavily on my hands I did not stroll out to chat with the townspeople. In the course of time my friend returned and looked at me strangely. Arent you feeling well? he asked pityingly. No, I answered sadly. I feel kind of run down. But why did you get in this basement? he asked. It belongs to the man next door. Of late I get all th e bathing I want with a sponge behind closed doors. I would rather have a sponge that has been in the family a long time at my back, than a strange dog similarly located, with whose habits I am not familiar. Bathing in a Borrowed Suit by Homer Croy originally appeared in Life magazine (July 1913) and was reprinted in Our American Humorists by Thomas L. Masson (Moffat, Yard and Company, 1922).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Life Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words

Life Coaching - Essay Example " or "You need to be like person X" or "You have to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth to be able to achieve this". Dryden (et al, 2002) quoted the meaning of coaching as "the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another," and that it "does not offer any quick fixes to achieve personal image, magic away personal difficulties but emphasize that sustained effort and commitment [] for a successful outcome to life challenges and difficulties." It was only when after I met my first coach Mike Ducket, did I learn for the first time that I can I achieve my goals only if I could help others achieve theirs. Like Mike, I came from a Sales and Marketing background which already instils into a person to listen and question in order to be able to close deals. After all, if one did not listen to the customer and asked the right questions, "You will leave with nothing," (Weakest link BBC Anne Robinson). Oatway (2004) noted how Life coaching have become a practical alternative to searching solutions in times of crisis. She talked to several Life coach clients all over England and came face-to-face with regular mothers, teenagers, young executives, a 53-year old woman and her mother, among a variety of clients who swore to the improvement and positive effect coaching have done to them. However, it wasn't until I started on this course that I understood that there are different levels of listening. In fact, I had the impression that this course was all about listening and questioning! But so much like life teaching, one learns to have a direction on where one is headed to before one can create change within the self, and later, others. Taken from the early forms of transportation, that is "stagecoach," or "rail coach," the word 'coach' literally means to transport someone from one place to another, similar to coaching that it seems people are using both to help them move forward or create change (Starr, 2003). My Dream for Coaching in England Coaching, for me is the new goal I have embraced. I personally believe it should replace religion curriculum in schools because I am convinced that life coaching or the Coaching Magic taught early in schools may direct a lot of people so that they would not be left wandering around aimlessly in life. They would have a clear view and idea of where they currently are, and where they want to go. We would have a world of thinkers and I believe crime would be down to an all time low because people would be too busy achieving their own personal goals. Unwanted teenage pregnancy or pregnancy just to get a house from the council would be unheard of as the O in TGROW would be in play. Nine out of ten times we would come first in sporting events because all sports people would develop their inner coach. There are various reasons why a person or an individual may need a coach. It has become a more friendly and trendy way than dealing with clinical psychologists and the like. Kolberg (et al, 2003) noted that the various reasons why individuals approach coaches may be as follows: Coaching the leader who is new to the job. Leaders are not born but are made. When a person who is previously made to lead one kind of organisation was transferred to another which is entirely new to his perspective,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Did Elizabeth Lizze Borden murder her parents Essay

Did Elizabeth Lizze Borden murder her parents - Essay Example This question has puzzled many critics, researchers, writers and people associated with the legal punishments since the last century. The general public has also shown great interest in the subject that what had compelled a young daughter to kill her parents? Did she really kill them or there was someone else involved in the case that did not show up to the front screen. The events of a hot summer day in 1892 remained a mystery however; history has offered us some interesting facts which can prove to be helpful in solving this case of brutal killing. On August 4, 1892 Mr. Andrew Jackson Borden with his second wife Abby Durfee Gray was found brutally murdered in their house located in Fall River, Massachusetts. It was a hot sunny day and both were killed by a sharp axe (Watson, Elizabeth E.). Lizzie Borden was at home when the incident took place and was accused of the criminal act. But she was declared innocent after the trial. The town people believed that she had murdered her parents however even after more than 100 years the mystery has remained unsolved. Nobody knows about the actual murderer. Despite of her being indicted she inherited a considerable property from her father’s wealth. THE MYSTERY Critics and writers have a strong consensus on one point of the case that it was none other than Lizzie who murdered her father and step mother using a very sharp axe. The possible reason for such a brutal act is suggested to be the family disputes going on between Mr. Andrew Borden and his daughter Lizzie Borden in relation to the distribution of property among the family members of Lizzie’s step mother, Abby Gray. ... Whereas on the other side Lizzie was extremely disturbed after the death of her mother she never accepted the new family member, Ms Abby as her mother again. She was a well respected lady among the town members but the uncertainty going on within the family was known to everyone. It was a hot morning when Mr. Andrew was found dead in his room lying on the sofa. His body was showing the marks of heavy wounds including the poor condition of his head which was struck eleven times with a sharp instrument. His eye balls were cracked which clearly represented the extremely cruel nature of the murderer. On the other hand his wife’s body was found in the guest room. She was kneeled down on the bed which showed that she had been setting the bed when someone stabbed her head from the back using the same instrument nineteen or more times. Fortunately or unfortunately Lizzie was at home when the incident took place and she was the one who informed mates and servants. As soon as the news s pread out neighbors and town people also get in to see what has happened as the Borden family was considered one of the richest families in the town and that the murder was too much suspicious. Soon after the murder Lizzie was arrested as being accused of doing the criminal activity but was released after some months of trial (Kent, David). Her declared innocence put many questions in front of the critics and general public that either she was a real murderer or the court’s decision was a justified one? Argument Research shows that she had committed the crime because throughout the trial session she was continuously changing her statements, she was seen very nervous and frequently changed her answers about her position when his father came back home. First she said that she was in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Study skill Essay Example for Free

Study skill Essay Study skill is defined as the different abilities that can be developed in order to improve a learners capacity to learn (MONDOFACTO, 2009). Based from the free dictionary (n. d. ), the term study skill is used for general approaches to learning, rather than skills for specific courses of study. There are many theoretical works on the subject, and a vast number of popular books and websites. In the 1950s and 1960s, college instructors in Zthe fields of psychology and the study of education used research, theory, and experience with their own students in writing manuals. Marvin Cohn based the advice for parents in his 1979 book Helping Your Teen-Age Student on his experience as a researcher and head of a university reading clinic that tutored teenagers and young adults. According to the National Commission on Excellence in Education (1984), many students are unsuccessful in school because they lack effective study skills (MutsotsoAbenga, 2010). College students face various sources of academic stress, including demonstration of an ability to engage in challenging materials under time limitation (AfsanehHassanbeigi, JafarAskari, Mina Nakhjavani, ShimaShirkhoda, KazemBarzegar, Mohammad R. MozayyanHossienFallahzadeh, 2011) especially examination (Helen, 2013). To counter this, the commission recommends that study skills be introduced to students very early in the schooling process and continue throughout a student’s educational career (MutsotsoAbenga, 2010). In a now classic study of study skills, Entwistle (1960) reported that students who voluntarily took a study skills course were more successful academically than similar students who did not voluntarily take the course(MutsotsoAbenga, 2010). Haynes (1993) reported that improving study skills techniques can enhance academic achievement for students with poor study skills habits (MutsotsoAbenga, 2010). One such initiative was launched by the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE)(MutsotsoAbenga, 2010). This initiative, â€Å"The Dynamics of Effective Study,† was intended to help students succeed in high school by providing them with essential study skills(cited in Louisiana Department of Education, 1987)(MutsotsoAbenga, 2010). According to documents produced by BESE, the â€Å"Dynamics of Effective Study† course was designed to help students â€Å"learn how to learn† so that they can become effective, well-organized, and self-directed learners (cited in Louisiana Department of Education, 1987)(MutsotsoAbenga, 2010).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Life Of A Computer Programmer :: Careers Jobs

Imagine having a computer without running software. Computers would be slightly pointless without programs to run it. There would be no directions in the computer to tell it how to run, where to run, and what to do. A computer would have the ability to turn on, but a blank screen would be the only thing to appear on a monitor. I am sure that the question of "Who creates these programs?" has run through many minds in the past. These programs aid you in typing papers, connect you to the Internet, send information to other computers, or provide an interface for games that help to occupy your time. Computer programmers are the individuals that create and work with these programs. On a broad scale, computer programmers write the programs, test the programs, and then maintain the programs that millions of people use daily (Computer Programming 243-249). The every day duties of a computer programmer include investigating work requests from system analysts, understanding the problem and the desired resolution, choosing an appropriate approach, and planning an outcome that will tell the mechanism what to do to produce the desired results. Programmers must be experienced in high levels of mathematics, computer science, and programming languages. A programmer must also have experience with critical thinking, reading comprehension, and deductive reasoning. Programmers need to master these subjects, since they write in a language different from everyday English or French. Many different types of programming languages are used to write programs for computers. The languages are called "codes". Some of the languages include C++, Visual Basic, Java, XML, Perl, HTML, and COBOL. Each of the languages differs from each other, and each is used for specific program jobs. HTML and JAVA are languages used to build web pages for the Internet. Perl and XML can produce codes that block students from getting on certain inappropriate web pages on their school server. One of the most prominent programming languages of the day would have to be C++.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Salamone Cartoon Analaysis

That is why there is a problem with Brian San F's comic involving, â€Å"John the Baptist's beheading,† (Freedman). An Atheist or any other religion besides Christianity would have no clue what this drawing was. After getting background on the subject, one would indeed find that the cartoon is a poke at Christian religion. The situation depicts Salome, one of Jesus' followers who traveled with him to Jerusalem and witnessed his death and events that followed after.Salome's mother, Herodias, orders John the Baptist's head as garnishment, (Freedman). This is where the pun in Brian San F's comic comes into play. Herodias meant, â€Å"garnishment,† in the sense of paying back an owed debt, (Gifls). Salome took a step further and took, â€Å"garnishment,† as in the definition of food decoration, (Merriam-Webster). Salome orders the, â€Å"†¦ head on a platter†¦ † for Herodias, (Freedman). This cartoon shows the aftermath and confusion of Herodias whil e her garnishment is ultimately†¦ arnished. This brings out the humor of Brian San F's quote from Herodias at the bottom of his sketch, mfou dare garnish my wages? † This is true to be an imbroglio for the cook that holds out severed cranium on a plate, while he has to explain that he was ordered to by Salome. Although this cartoon required excessive background information to understand it can be targeted towards bible study classes and other Christian relations.After a little researching this cartoon can be understood and fully appreciated as a witty take n the outcome of Salome's request. Though this situation contributes many dark aspects of a decapitation, this cartoon does a great Job of finding the humor in it. Bibliography Gifls, Steven H. Law Dictionary. 2nd ed. Woodsbury, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 1975. Print. Freedman, David Noel. The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1992. Print. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. Pleasantville , NY: Reader's Digest, 1993. Print.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

China One Child Policy Essay

Imagine a world where one can’t just simply go to the supermarket because there is not enough food. A world where pollution is a daily reality, the air too thick to even breath and the water virtually undrinkable. A place you can no longer buy consumer goods because there isn’t enough materials to make them. This could become a reality, but preventing it has always been on the minds of the Chinese government. War and epidemics had struck China for years, but after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, sanitation and medicine improved and prompted rapid population growth. This combined with the movement created by Mao Zedong, China’s previous communist leader, led to rapid population growth that gave China’s monumental population. This monumental mistake took its toll in the food supply when Mao emphasized steel production over farming, food supply slipped behind population growth; by 1962 a massive famine had caused some 30 million deaths. After the population leveled off, the government continued the camping to reduce China’s population. In 1979 the Chinese government introduced a policy requiring couples from China’s ethnic Han majority to have only one child. Depending on where they lived parents can be fined thousand of dollars for having an extra child without a permit and can be forced to abort the child and then be sterilized. With all this in mind I not only believe that the one child policy with some adjustments can be a good solution to the overpopulation and issues related to it but also it is a necessary policy. With changes to the policy will greatly improve China’s people living environment and standards. Without this policy we can face serious issues concerning food supplies, depletion of natural resources at a rapid rate, poverty,spreading of diseases due to lack of proper medical care, overcrowded cities that can lead to heavy pollution, inadequate housing, lower life expectancy and higher death rates, educational facilities may not meet the population requirements,and finally lower employment opportunities that lead to unequal distribution of wealth. All of this could become a reality without the proper population control provided by the policy. Society a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity. Some essential things that are required for the flourishment of a society are essentials such as food and water. This are non debatable requirements for cities to rise, survive and thrive. Over population can bring many obstacles and difficulties that could impede us from thriving as a society. Some include heavy pollution that is caused by factories that are needed to meet the demands of the big population. This pollution can be precipitated into the water sources can lead to the spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoids. Although higher population number will produce more food the earth can only support so much. Even with genetically modified (GMC’s) the land can only be used so much before it runs put of nutrients and then become useless. The overuse of the land will lead to soil erosion from trying to meet the food demands of a huge population. Air pollution can cause the spread of diseases such as asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, heart disease and even diabetes. This will lead to millions of death and could potentially wipe out entire populations and cause poor living conditions. The lack of proper medical care will be one of many factors also contributing to the decline of living standards and lower living expectancies which means higher death rates. Thomas Malthus wrote theories that predicted living conditions over many centuries. He stated that over population will cause more disadvantages that will outweigh the advantages. Some might said that in his theory he didn’t take into account the advances in technology that is essential to the prosperity of a country. I don’t argue that Malthus may not have taken that into account but it still doesn’t change the fact that earth has a finite carrying capacity. No matter how technology progresses or gets better it will be limited by the resources that we can get. Resources are limited. Technology could provide ways of using this resources more efficiently but no matter what we do it will always lead to the depletion because of higher demand caused by overpopulation. Although technology can solve many of our problems it has a great limitation. That limitation is us. The overcrowding of cities may lead to educational facilities not being able to provide the proper learning environment and fail to teach the population. This will cause high levels kids falling behind and not be able to contribute and move on to high level jobs in science, math or engineering which will slow down the rate of progression in technology, and without it we won’t be able to meet the demands of a large population. Over population can cause lower employment opportunities that will leave many families in poverty. This will cause and uneven distribution of wealth that can cause the crime rate to go higher. Less jobs means the economy would be very limited or there will be a lot of jobs but minimum wage jobs. Families would be forced to sends their children to work so they can help support the family instead of sending them to school. With a smaller population more high level jobs can be given and more money means better standard of living and high life expectancy levels. Wealth can provide many things such as medical care, adequate housing,etc. All of this can be avoided with population control policies such as the one child policy. There is a lot of disadvantages that can cause a disastrous future. So we need to ask ourselves if that will be a life wen want to live in. The answer will always come down to no. The one child policy has harsh effects that are controversial. The forced sterilization and abortion of women is one of the horrid realities that the policy makes possible. But this doesn’t change the fact that the policy is a necessity. I completely agree that this must be change. New regulations can be put into place that are more passive and more widely accepted by the majority. The one child policy is a necessity that helps our society in many ways. The advantages of having this policy far outweigh the disadvantages. It keeps China’s prosperity and encourages great economic wealth and progression. So I urge you to consider all of the points made and see that the one child policy is not only a smart choice but also a great one.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

King Arthur, An Enduring Legend Essays - Medieval Welsh Literature

King Arthur, An Enduring Legend Essays - Medieval Welsh Literature King Arthur, An Enduring Legend Clodfelter 1 Christopher Clodfelter English 201 Mr. Miller February 14, 1999 King Arthur, an Enduring Legend The mystical references to Arthur and his adventures are dated in literature in some form for over 1400 years, verifying the enduring appeal of this romantic character. Since the beginnings of the English language there have been legends of great heroes. The first settlements of Britain produced stories rooted in ancient Celtic and Germanic imagination; of the many, Arthur is undoubtedly preeminent. The earliest known description of Arthurs noble endeavors was written by Gildas, (ca. 490-540) the author of De excidio et conquestu Britanniae makes reference, albeit vague, to an Arthurian figure; however, the name Arthur is not mentioned in the story (Strayer 564). The full flourish of writings associated with his miraculous feats and victories do not reach a crescendo for several hundred years after Gildas (Strayer 564). During the Middle Ages, however, Arthurian myth was prominent and en vogue and attempts to discover the truth behind the myth have been pursued for generations. Arthur's history, as Geoffrey Ashe reminds us in The Discovery of King Arthur, is more than just a medley of yarns, more than just a saga in the romanticism of myth. It puts him within a definite period. It names definite places and takes him to definite countries (3). It is this fact and the fragmentary, often contradictory references of an Arthur (the Latin Artur,Arturius, or Artorius) from ancient records, that lends enough validity to the story to set researchers on the Clodfelter 2 trail of the legendary king. However, progress has been stymied for a number of reasons and even now we can say little of substance about the man behind the myth. A major difficulty facing researchers is that the role of the historian in the Dark Ages was rather flexible; a mixture of storyteller and propagandist whose regional traditions, personal prejudices, and loyalties were bound to greatly influence the nature of its material (Coglan 214). In Arthur, Richard Barber clarifies this fact and speaks of the early tendency to use history as an inspiration or as a warning to the men of the present, or as part of a vast divine scheme for man's spiritual salvation (Coglan 7). Another problem facing historians is that the earliest sources we have are never originals, but copies, and considering their age we must allow for the propagation of errors. One possible such error is found in the Annals of Wales, written in the tenth century. Its entry concerning the Battle of Badon claims that Arthur carried Christ's cross on his shoulder for three days, but its likely that shoulder should instead be shield, due to confusion between the Welsh words scuid and scuit (Alcock 51-52). The search for the truth of legend continues. Perhaps the best known of all Arthurian legends is that of Geoffrey of Monmouth. His History of the Kings of Britain, (ca. 1136) Besides planting highly erroneous notions of British history,...supplied a basis and framework for Arthurian romance and exerted an influence extending through Spenser, Shakespeare, and many others (Coglan 209). In it, Geoffrey recounts the history of Britain's leaders back to their beginning in 1115 BC to King Cadwallader's death in AD 689. Geoffrey's account, though most agree not strictly factual, offers a clear look into the events surrounding Arthur's death and is the starting point for much investigation (Coglan 214). Geoffrey's work was immensely popular and was not criticized during his lifetime Clodfelter 3 (Goodrich 45). Modern historians, however, have many reasons to be skeptical of Geoffrey's work. The most obvious problem is its anachronistic representation of a supposedly 5th century king in a very Norman England; as was typical of historians in his day, Geoffrey superimposed his contemporary culture upon his depiction of the past (Goodrich 47). Many inaccuracies exist in his description of the period. If there is an Arthur, he will not be a magnificent Christian king sitting astride a heavy Byzantine charger, accoutered in Norman plate armor. He will not be basking in a mighty castle between European excursions with a band of international knights; rather, he will be no more than an unkempt and possibly pagan military leader with little if any armor. He will likely

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How the Netherlands Reclaimed Land From the Sea

How the Netherlands Reclaimed Land From the Sea In 1986, the Netherlands proclaimed the new 12th province of Flevoland but they didnt carve out the province from already existing Dutch land nor did they annex the territory of their neighbors - Germany and Belgium. The Netherlands grew larger with the aid of dikes and polders, making the old Dutch adage While God created the Earth, the Dutch created the Netherlands come true. The Netherlands The independent country of the Netherlands only dates back to 1815, but the area and its people have a much longer history. Located in northern Europe, just northeast of Belgium and west of Germany, the Netherlands contains 280 miles (451 km) of coastline along the North Sea. It also contains the mouths of three important European rivers: the Rhine, Schelde, and Meuse. This translates into a long history of dealing with water and attempts to prevent massive, destructive flooding. The North Sea Floods The Dutch and their ancestors have been working to hold back and reclaim land from the North Sea for over 2000 years. Beginning around 400 BCE, the Frisians were first to settle the Netherlands. It was they who built terpen (an Old Frisian word meaning villages), which were earth mounds upon which they built houses or even entire villages. These terpen were built to protect the villages from flooding. (Although there were once thousands of these, there are about a thousand terpen that still exist in the Netherlands.) Small dikes were also built around this time, usually being rather short (about 27 inches or 70 cm high) and made of natural materials found around the local area. On December 14, 1287, the terpen and dikes that held back the North Sea failed, and water flooded the country. Known as the St. Lucias Flood, this flood killed over 50,000 people and is considered one of the worst floods in history. A result of the massive St. Lucias Flood was the creation of a new bay, called Zuiderzee (South Sea), formed by floodwaters that had inundated a large area of farmland. Pushing Back the North Sea For the next few centuries, the Dutch worked to slowly push back the water of the Zuiderzee, building dikes and creating polders (the term used to describe any piece of land reclaimed from water). Once dikes were built, canals and pumps were used to drain the land and to keep it dry. From the 1200s, windmills were used to pump excess water off the fertile soil becoming an icon of the country in the process. Today, however, most of the windmills have been replaced with electricity- and diesel-driven pumps. Reclaiming the Zuiderzee Then, storms and floods of 1916 provided the impetus for the Dutch to start a major project to reclaim the Zuiderzee. From 1927 to 1932, a 19 mile (30.5 km) long dike called Afsluitdijk (the Closing Dike) was built, turning the Zuiderzee into the IJsselmeer, a freshwater lake. On February 1, 1953, another devastating flood hit the Netherlands. Caused by a combination of a storm over the North Sea and spring tide, waves along the sea wall rose to 15 feet (4.5 m) higher than mean sea level. In some areas, the water peaked above existing dikes and spilled upon unsuspecting, sleeping towns. Just over 1,800 people in the Netherlands died, 72,000 people had to be evacuated, thousands of livestock died, and there was a huge amount of property damage. This devastation prompted the Dutch to pass the Delta Act in 1958, changing the structure and administration of the dikes in the Netherlands. This, in turn, created the collective known as the North Sea Protection Works, which included building a dam and barriers across the sea. There is no wonder that this huge engineering feat is now considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. Further protective dikes and works were built, beginning to reclaim the land of the IJsselmeer. The new land led to the creation of the new province of Flevoland from what had been sea and water for centuries. Much of the Netherlands Is Below Sea Level Today, approximately 27 percent of the Netherlands is actually below sea level. This area is home to over 60 percent of the countrys population of 15.8 million people. The Netherlands, which is approximately the size of the U.S. states Connecticut and Massachusetts combined, has an approximate average elevation of 36 feet (11 meters). This leaves a huge part of the Netherlands highly susceptible to flooding. Time will tell if the North Sea Protection Works are strong enough to protect it.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Empty Quarter desert in Saudi Arabia Term Paper

The Empty Quarter desert in Saudi Arabia - Term Paper Example According to the paper people also avoid living in this region because it has scarce rainfall, vegetation, and lack of clean water. Hence, the name Rub’ al Khali, which means, the Empty Quarter. In addition, the natural features of the desert such as large sand dunes make it difficult for human beings to live and walk around. The Empty Quarter also has another name, the Great Sandy Desert due to these large sand dunes. People also believe that the Empty Quarter desert evolved during the time of pluvial in the Tertiary and Quaternary. The sand dunes of the Empty Quarter desert emerged from the far end of Miocene and up to the late Pleistocene. There are two main sources of the sand dunes in The Empty Quarter desert.   From this study it is clear that strong winds then moves the accumulated sand to the Empty Quarter desert. This type of sand is characterized by its white color, salty, course, and easy to move. Marine sands cover the eastern and northern parts of the Empty Quarter desert. The ideal source of marine sand found in Empty Quarter desert is Al Gafourah. The strong winds play a vital role in shaping the sand dunes of the Empty Quarter desert. The desert generally slopes from west towards east at a rate of one meter per kilometer. The approximate height above sea level of the sand dunes ranges between nine hundred to one thousand meters. The middle of Empty Quarter desert has is approximately four hundred to five hundred meters above the sea level. The Empty Quarter desert elevation decreases towards the Arabian Gulf. Touring the around the desert, I realized that the Empty Quarter can be divided into five main section considering the types of Sand Dunes. To begin with, there are Barchan D unes, which are large, and high dunes having moist sabkha spread among the dunes. Such dunes exist in northern parts of the Empty Quarter desert. Secondly, there are star dunes, which are steep pyramidal in shape, vertical peaks, formed individually or inter-structural in shapes. Some of the star dunes height reaches as much as two hundred meters. Star dunes mainly cover the southern and eastern parts of the Empty Quarter desert. A good example of star dune is Al G’ad and Ghonaim sand dunes. Thirdly, there are domal dunes characterized by being high and inter-structured. Domal dunes occur at the junction of longitudinal dunes that flow in opposite directions. Some of these dunes have a height of one hundred meters. Domal dunes cover the middle portion of the Empty Quarter desert.